Travello | Tour & Travel Booking Next js Template
Travello is a modern Next.js template crafted specifically for travel and tour
booking websites. Ideal for travel agencies, tour operators, vacation booking
platforms, adventure companies, and other travel-related businesses, Travello
stands out with its advanced and intuitive search functionality. Designed with
a user-centric approach, it ensures a seamless experience for those exploring
travel and adventure opportunities.
Travello is highly customizable and responsive, offering stunning visuals on
both tablets and mobile devices. Built with best web development practices, it
allows you to create an exceptional website layout using Bootstrap or a 1320px
Grid system.
<!– Some Demo Images –>
Built for Versatility:
Crafted with the flexibility of Nextjs, Bootstrap, SCSS, and Font awesome
icons, Travello is easily customizable to suit a wide range of ttravl and tour
booking template. We have ensured that Travello is very flexible when it comes
to customizing aesthetics and functionality.
Features Overview
Next js:
Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks
to create fast web applications.
TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
React Redux:
You can easily state management with redux
Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for
developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
05 Home Page
Travello template has nice and clean 05 home pages.
28+ Valid TSX Files :
Travello template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful
tsx files 100% valid W3 web standards.
35+ Sections:
Create stunning Sections with different type design.
Touch Friendly:
Easy browsing on touch devices.
100% Fully Responsive:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be.
Travello template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
Travello template coded with sass
Full Features List
- NextJs 14.2.7 (“app” directory)
- React Redux
- Local Storage
- Based on Bootstrap 5.x
- 100% Responsive
- Flat, modern and clean design.
- Retina Ready.
- SEO on-page optimized.
- UX ready.
- Touch Friendly.
- Integrated google maps..
- Typography
- W3C Validate Code
- Fixed Menu
- Full UI Kit elements with lots of features
- Clean and commented code
- Valid JS / CSS3
- 05+ Home Pages
- 28+ Total Pages
- Image background
- Smooth Transition Effects
- All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
- Font Awesome
- All & CSS & JS files are included
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Detailed documentation
What’s Included:
- Full source code of the Next.js template.
- All CSS, SCSS, and JS files.
- Documentation for easy setup and customization.
Sources and Credits
- Next.js for the framework.
- TypeScript for strict type checking.
- Bootstrap for responsive design.
- Swiper for interactive slides.
- Font Awesome Icons for sharp and lightweight icons.
Image Credits
Free Updates and Support:
We provide free updates and dedicated support for all our customers. For any
inquiries or issues, reach out to us at:
Please Note:
All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of
the next js templates and no included in the final purchase files.
Change Log:
Stay updated with the latest version of Travello by reviewing our changelog
for feature additions, improvements, and bug fixes.
21 November 2024 & Version 1.0.0
- 1. Initial Released Travello | Travel & Tour Booking React Next Js Template