Minimal is a Premium Admin 4 Dashboard template with modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Minimal can be used by developer developing web applications
Tag: web app
Minimal – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard & WebApp Template
Minimal is a Premium Admin 4 Dashboard template with modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Minimal can be used by developer developing web applications
AppRaxx – 5 in 1 App Landing Page
Intro AppRaxx – Creative App Landing Page HTML5 Template is collection of App marketing pages which are perfect suit for showcase your App or services smart and flexible way. It’s not only for a mobile Apps but also for mobile games showcase or any application website showcase. It’s include stunning, powerful and unique landing page
Jetson – Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template + UI Kit
Jetson – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & Powerful UI Kit with awesome features. Jetson is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower and SCSS. Its very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is
Dashboard UI Kit | Admin Dashboard Template & UI Framework
Introducing Dashboard UI Kit, admin dashboard template and UI framework focusing on dashboard user Interfaces & web applications to help you quickly build beautiful interfaces your clients and users will adore. No more bloated code, no more dozens of plugins that you don’t need, with Dashboard we ‘ve made sure it’s lightweight & clean for
Sofbox – Software Landing Page
Sofbox is a sleek, clean and powerful Saas, WebApp, Software landing page template. With modern and stunning UI/UX elements, this template is a perfect package for any of your web project. Sofbox’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your website look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers,
Fuse – Angular4+ & AngularJS & Bootstrap 4 HTML Material Design Admin Template
ANGULAR 4+ VERSION Fuse Angular4+ version is the successor of the great Fuse AngularJS version. It has AoT compiler support out of the box. Features Angular 4+ Angular Material 2 Google Material Design Built-in Applications Calendar App Mail App Chat App File Manager App Todo App Contacts App Pages Authentication Pages Login Login v2 Register
Fox – Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin 4 Dashboard Template + UI Kit
UI Kit Badges Buttons Application Buttons Dropdown Split buttons Social buttons Carousel Modal Alert Callout List Accordion Tab Process Progress bar Vertical Progress Timeline Timeline activity User Cards Sweet Alert Notification Layout Bootstrap grid Fixed Boxed Mini Sidebar Widgets Statistic Chat Social Widgets Weather Form Default inputs Material inputs Success inputs Warning inputs Error inputs