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Tag: web app

PVR Silver Edge – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

PVR Silver Edge – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template is the new premium and fully responsive Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template. Concept of design for PVR Silver Edge Admin is based on the FLAT design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap

Dashmix – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Dashmix is a fully responsive and flexible Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template and UI framework. Dashmix was built with Sass and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and comes packed with smart tools such as webpack 4, Babel 7, Gulp 4, Autoprefixer and Browsersync which will save you time and help you build your project faster and more

Sooper – Mobile, Desktop, Web App Showcase HTML Template

Sooper is an awesome looking HTML landing page template. specially designed for your Mobile, Web or Desktop App Showcase. The template is super easy to customize. Template comes with all the corresponding sub pages like Features, Pricing, Contact. Sooper landing page have many different Mobile, Mac, Web elements/section, They all are fully editable, you can

AdminKit – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4.0 Admin Templates

AdminKit is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. AdminKit is a fully responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used

Goofy – Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template + UI Kit

Goofy is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower, and SCSS. It’s very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is a professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is mobile first layout and is based on Bootstrap CSS Sass framework. Each

Zircos – Responsive Admin Dashboard + Material Design

Zirocos is a fully responsive modern Bootstrap admin and dashboard template. It is built using LESS, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The uniqueness would allow to build any type of admin panel, dashboard or analytics portal, CRM, etc. The super clean code allows easy customization. FEATURES: Fully Responsive Design Created using Bootstrap 3.3.7 6+ Layouts Material

Hi5Dash – Responsive HTML5 Admin Dashboard Template

Hi5Dash is an HTML5 based professional admin template. It comes with super clean user interface, customizable components and lots of widgets. Fully Responsive layout with easy customize. Developer friendly code will help you to understand all sections. Its easy for any developer to turn this template into real web application. Features: Fully Responsive Design Created

Upbond – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Upbond is a bootstrap based fully responsive admin template. It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and features. It allows developer to easily build a super awesome web application. FEATURES: Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices) Bootstrap 3.3.7 Clean and Flat design HTML5 & CSS3 LESS Support Login, register, error pages

Preadmin – Bootstrap Admin Template

Preadmin is a fully responsive admin dashboard template. It’s a light weight and easy customizable multipurpose template built with Bootstrap framework, latest web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Preadmin is compatible with on all major browsers, iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Andriod mobiles and all other mobile devices. The template package comes with UI kits, Tables, Charts, Email,