Website Templates

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Tag: vcard

Odno – Personal vCard / Portfolio Template

Odno is an onepage personal vcard / portfolio HTML5 template with simplistic and creative modern design. It includes wide range of great features for showcasing your personal website. Jumpstart your own website today with Odno. Main Features: Built with Bootstrap v5.x Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Modern Creative Design Sidebar Icon Menu Lightbox Media Animated Counter

Mer’s – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Mer’s is a one page style personal portfolio template that can be used to build your personal portfolio website. You can choose Mer’s to build your online presence. It is very important to have a personal portfolio at current age. In your professional career you must need to have a personal portfolio. Mer’s is a

Devman – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Devman is a one page style personal portfolio template that can be used to build your personal portfolio website. You can choose Dizme to build your online presence. It is very important to have a personal portfolio at current age. In your professional career you must need to have a personal portfolio. Devman is a

PicMan – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

PicMan – Personal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purpose. It’s creative, minimal and clean design. It has all of the features of the business website. It’s suitable for any startup business, companies, agencies, and freelancers which need a professional way to showcase their projects and services with 100% super responsive experience. Full Features –

Patrick – Personal CV vCard React Template

Patrick React Personal CV & vCard Template Best suited for designers, freelancers, developers, programmers, coders or any other digital professions. Make it follow your personal brand and let your web presence stand out. Template is fully customizable and very flexible, 6 different color schemes, 4 Background styles, RTL support, Animated page transitions. React Features: JSX

Dizme – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Dizme is a one page style personal portfolio template that can be used to build your personal portfolio website. You can choose Dizme to build your online presence. It is very important to have a personal portfolio at current age. In your professional career you must need to have a personal portfolio. Dizme is a

Selfown – Personal Portfolio Bootstrap 5 Template

Selfown is responsive personal portfolio template. It’s a modern, creative, clean, professional, attractive personal template. Selfown is fully updated with the latest bootstrap v5.1.3. Selfown puts reusable HTML and modular CSS first, blending contemporary styling with beautiful markup throughout each HTML page in the pack. It has been optimized to facilitate your time and money.

Boston – Bootstrap 5 Personal Portfolio

Boston – Personal Portfolio Template is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap 5 HTML5 responsive portfolio template Boston – Bootstrap 5 Personal Portfolio Boston is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily. This is built with

Ober – CV Resume HTML Template

CV Resume / Personal Portfolio Template Ober – CV Resume HTML Template is a minimal, clean & Sharp looking CV/Resume Portfolio. Its suitable for Designer, Developer, Programmer, Freelancer, Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal Portfolio. OBER is comes with: Dark & Light versions, Live Switcher Mode (Dark & Light UI), One & Multi

Ober – One Page Resume HTML Template

Ober – CV Resume HTML Template is a minimal, clean & Sharp looking CV/Resume Portfolio. Its suitable for Designer, Developer, Programmer, Freelancer, Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal Portfolio. OBER is comes with: Dark & Light versions, Live Switcher Mode (Dark & Light UI), One & Multi pages, Beautiful animations and effects, Parallax,