Website Templates

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Tag: typescript

AIQuill – AI-Driven Chat Interface with Seamless Bot Creation

Overview: AIQuill is an advanced AI-powered chat interface designed for seamless bot creation, real-time responses, and an interactive user experience. Built with modern web technologies, AIQuill offers smooth typing animations, rich response formats, and an intuitive interface for bot customization. Whether you’re looking to automate customer interactions, enhance research workflows, or build intelligent AI companions,

Kalles – Angular 19 eCommerce Template

Kalles Angular 19 version is developed based on Kalles Shopify version by – an Envato Power Elite author, it is written in clean code and easy for developers who want to build their own projects while still using outstanding features and eye-catching design. Whatever you’re selling, Kalles is the only eCommerce Angular 19 template

Spike – VueJs Admin Dashboard Template

Spike VueJs Admin Template (Made with Vuetify 3 + Vue3 + Typescript) Spike Vuejs admin dashboard is based on vuetify and comes with refreshing look with many ready-to-use features. It is based on famous Google’s material design. Spike Vuetify dashboard comes with few customizable application designs, which can be great start for you to building

Pixio – Shop & eCommerce React Template

Template Features Vite v6.0.5 React v19 TypeScript 03+ Home Page 97+ Inner Pages 19+ Shop Pages 27+ Blogs Pages 15+ portfolio Pages Detailed Documentation Router Latest Bootstrap SCSS Compatible Google Fonts Mobile Sidemenu Swiper Slider Light Gallery Effective Home Pages Fully Responsive Flaticon Font Awesome Icons Sticky Header Modern Design Clean Code & Design Video

Mophy – Nuxt Tailwind CSS Payment Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Nuxt Vue TypeScript 14+ Color Skin Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Invoice User Profile Timeline Ckeditor Form Examples Charts Options Fullcalendar Wizard Social Datatable Gallery Table Sorting Table Date Picker Time Picker Sortable Sweetalert Toaster Swiper Chatbox Lightgallery All Files are Well Commented And many more You will

Tapeli – Angular Admin Dashboard Template

Tapeli – Angular 19x & Bootstrap 5 is a responsive Admin Dashboard Template designed for seamless web application management. Built with the latest HTML5, CSS3, and the powerful Bootstrap v5.3.3 and Angular 19x framework. Tapeli offers a sleek and user-friendly interface. With a wide range of beautiful styles and a full-screen layout, it’s a perfect

Workload – Vue Js Project Management Admin Template

You will get vue Files .ts CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features Vue v3.5.13 TypeScript v5.6.3 Vite v6.0.1 60+ Pages Available Light And Dark Mode Pinia v2.2.6 6+ Pre Demo Available Sweetalert2 v11.15.3 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest

Spruha – App Router React Bootstrap Typescript Nextjs Admin Dashboard Template

Introducing Spruha – The Ultimate Nextjs React Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Spruha admin template is a cutting-edge nextjs react bootstrap admin dashboard template, designed to meet the evolving needs of web developers and designers. With its fully responsive and seamless user interface, Spruha admin dashboard provides the ultimate solution for managing and visualizing data in

Ecme – Next.js Tailwind Admin Template (Next 15 & App Router)

Ecme is not just another web template—it’s a meticulously crafted masterpiece that stands out in a market flooded with generic, poorly designed options. Every aspect of Ecme, from its elegant UI to its robust code architecture, has been thoughtfully designed to ensure unparalleled flexibility and scalability for your projects. Unlike other templates that rely on

W3CRM – Angular Admin Dashboard Template

Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user