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Tag: Tailwind CSS

Appever – React App Showcase Template

Appever is a fully responsive, clean, and modern high-converting App showcase landing template. It is a beautifully handcrafted, pixel-perfect App landing page template based on the React v18.3.1 & Tailwind css v3.4.13. Appever comes with 6 Home pages. We believe All files are organized and will be easy to use and edit. This template is

Jobstack – PHP Job Portal & Job Board Template

Jobstack is a modern, clean, and intuitive Angular 18 template. Jobstack is designed for job portals & job board websites. The template is based on the Latest PHP v8.3.11 & Tailwind CSS v3.4.13 Template toolkit and includes many unique pages and components that look perfect on any device. It is a beautifully handcrafted, pixel-perfect template.

Able Pro Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template

Able Pro stands out as an excellent admin dashboard template that you can find on Themeforest. It’s crafted using Tailwindcss and features a sleek material design, making it perfect for your web application. Whether you’re working on an eCommerce site, a CRM, or any SaaS-based project, Able Pro has got you covered. It’s not just

Giglink – Angular 18 NFT Makretplace Landing + Admin Dashboard Template

Giglink is a Powerful Angular 18 NFT marketplace template. Giglink is a fully responsive, pixel-perfect, and complete template for NFTs, crypto-collectibles, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites, MetaMask Integration, and more. Giglink has a lot of styles and elements to help you make a beautiful and modern website in no time. It is a beautifully handcrafted,

Softify – Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template

Overview: Softify is a premium, highly versatile admin dashboard template built with modern technologies like Tailwind CSS 3.4.1, Webpack 5, and Sass. It is designed to cater to diverse industries and use cases, offering an extensive range of customizable components, dashboards, and applications. Whether you’re developing a data-driven platform, managing projects, or running an e-commerce

Dashcode Next – Tailwind & Next.js Admin Dashboard with shadcn UI (Typescript)

DashcodeNext – Tailwind & Next.js Admin Dashboard with shadcn UI Powerful and Versatile Tailwind & NextJs Admin Dashboard Template DashcodeNext is a developer-friendly, ready-to-use admin template designed for building attractive, scalable, and high-performing web applications, powered by the cutting-edge technologies of Next.js and Tailwind CSS Features DashcodeNext is a most developer-friendly & highly customizable admin

Dashcode Next – Tailwind & Next.js Admin Dashboard with shadcn UI

DashcodeNext – Tailwind & Next.js Admin Dashboard with shadcn UI Powerful and Versatile Tailwind & NextJs Admin Dashboard Template DashcodeNext is a developer-friendly, ready-to-use admin template designed for building attractive, scalable, and high-performing web applications, powered by the cutting-edge technologies of Next.js and Tailwind CSS Features DashcodeNext is a most developer-friendly & highly customizable admin

Tailwise – Tailwind CSS Vue Typecript Admin Dashboard Template

TailwindCSS Vue Admin Template Introducing our Vue version of the admin dashboard kit, crafted with Tailwind CSS for seamless styling and a modern aesthetic. This versatile template offers 11 meticulously curated template variants, allowing you to choose the perfect look for your unique brand. The sophisticated two-tone color scheme brings an air of elegance and

Mamix – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard HTML Template

Discover Mamix – The Ultimate HTML Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template Mamix is a top-tier HTML Tailwind CSS admin dashboard template meticulously crafted for today’s web developers and designers. This admin dashboard html template is designed to provide a seamless, responsive user experience, making it the perfect choice for managing and visualizing data within web

Biztek – Multipurpose Business HTML Template

Biztek – Multipurpose Business HTML Template Welcome to Biztek, the ultimate solution for Business Multipose seeking to streamline their Grow Business process and enhance customer satisfaction. Biztek is a meticulously crafted UI kit template designed specifically for Multipurpose websites, offering a seamless and intuitive user experience for both Multipurpose owners and their patrons. Sleek Design: