WowDash – Laravel Tailwinds – Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template Flash Sale! 50% Off Sale 2025 Awesome Demo Here Why Choose WowDash Admin Dashboard Demo One : AI Demo Two : CRM Demo Three : eCommerce Demo Four : Cryptocurrency Demo Five : Investment Demo Six: Education LMS Demo Seven: NFT & Gaming Demo Eight: Medical
Tag: tailwind admin template
Mophy – Nuxt Tailwind CSS Payment Admin Dashboard Template
Template Features Nuxt Vue TypeScript 14+ Color Skin Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Invoice User Profile Timeline Ckeditor Form Examples Charts Options Fullcalendar Wizard Social Datatable Gallery Table Sorting Table Date Picker Time Picker Sortable Sweetalert Toaster Swiper Chatbox Lightgallery All Files are Well Commented And many more You will
Xintra – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Angular Template
Introducing Xintra: The Ultimate Tailwind Css Angular Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra admin dashboard template is a cutting-edge tailwind angular admin dashboard template designed to meet the needs of modern web developers and designers. Featuring a seamless and responsive user interface, the xintra admin panel template is perfect for efficiently managing and visualizing data in
Xintra – Tailwind CSS Flask Admin Dashboard Template
Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate Flask Tailwind Admin Dashboard Template Xintra admin template is a cutting-edge flask tailwind css admin dashboard template, designed specifically for modern web developers and designers. Offering a seamless and fully responsive user experience, xintra tailwind css template is perfect for managing and visualizing data in web templates. By combining the
HRM & CRM Next js Dashboard Template | Manez
Manez – HRM & CRM Next js Dashboard Template Manez is a fully featured HRM & CRM dashboard template powered by the latest technologies like React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Material UI. It’s aimed at optimizing human resource and customer relationship management. Manez fuses the beauty of modern design with incredible functionality. From Apexcharts
Xintra – PHP Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template
Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate PHP Tailwind CSS Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra admin dashboard is a premier PHP tailwind CSS admin dashboard template, carefully crafted for modern web developers and designers.Xintra tailwind css admin dashboard provides a seamless, responsive user experience, making it ideal for managing and visualizing data in web templates. By combining
Xintra – Codeigniter Tailwind CSS Admin and Dashboard Template
Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate Codeigniter Tailwind Css Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra Codeigniter tailwind Css admin and dashboard template is a web-based user interface design that provides a pre-built framework of UI components, styles, and functionalities for creating modern and responsive admin dashboards and web templates. Combining Codeigniter with the flexibility of tailwind, Xintra
Xintra – Django Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template
Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate Tailwind Css Django Admin Dashboard Template Xintra is a premier tailwind dashboard template, thoughtfully designed for modern web developers and designers. With its responsive and user-friendly interface, it’s perfect for managing and visualizing data in admin and dashboard templates. By combining HTML with the versatility of Tailwind CSS, Xintra admin
Xintra – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard HTML Template
Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate Tailwind CSS Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra tailwind dashboard is a premier user admin panel template designed specifically for modern web developers and designers. It provides a seamless, responsive user experience, making it perfect for managing and visualizing data in web applications. By combining the power of an tailwind admin
Mamix – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard HTML Template
Discover Mamix – The Ultimate HTML Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template Mamix is a top-tier HTML Tailwind CSS admin dashboard template meticulously crafted for today’s web developers and designers. This admin dashboard html template is designed to provide a seamless, responsive user experience, making it the perfect choice for managing and visualizing data within web