Introducing Ynex — The Ultimate Svelte & Sveltestrap Admin Dashboard Solution Ynex admin template is a cutting-edge Svelte and Sveltestrap admin dashboard template, designed to meet the needs of modern web developers and designers. With its sleek, responsive design, the Ynex dashboard provides a seamless user experience, making it the perfect choice for managing and
Tag: svelte admin
HexaDash – Admin & Dashboard Template
HexaDash is a premium multipurpose admin dashboard template based on React, Svelte and Bootstrap 5 . However, more versions like Vue, Laravel, Django, Angular, Node JS, Bun, redwoodjs, and are on the way to be added. SvelteKit, Sveltestrap, and ViteJS are touched on the Svelte version of the template while Ant Design & React
HexaDash – React, Svelte & Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template
HexaDash is a premium multipurpose admin dashboard template based on Svelte & React . However, more versions like Vue, Laravel, Bootstrap, Django, Angular, Node JS, Bun, redwoodjs, and are on the way to be added. SvelteKit, Sveltestrap, and ViteJS are touched on the Svelte version of the template while Ant Design & React Router
HexaDash – Svelte, React & Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template
HexaDash is a premium multipurpose admin dashboard template based on Svelte & React . However, more versions like Vue, Laravel, Bootstrap, Django, Angular, Node JS, Bun, redwoodjs, and are on the way to be added. SvelteKit, Sveltestrap, and ViteJS are touched on the Svelte version of the template while Ant Design & React Router
HexaDash – Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template
HexaDash is a premium multipurpose admin dashboard template based on Svelte & React . However, more versions like Vue, Laravel, Bootstrap, Django, Angular, Node JS, Bun, redwoodjs, and are on the way to be added. SvelteKit, Sveltestrap, and ViteJS are touched on the Svelte version of the template while Ant Design & React Router
HexaDash – Svelte Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template
Hexadash – Svelte Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template built with Svelte, SvelteKit, Sveltestrap and Vite JS. It has 5+ home pages and 8+ built in apps Features – 5+ Dashboards – 8+ Apps – Authentication & Error Pages – Built with Sveltekit – Built with Sveltestrap – No JQuery – Modern Design – Multiple Layouts with
Skote – Svelte Admin & Dashboard Template
Skote is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template built in Svelte with firebase and multi-language supports with developer-friendly codes. We have not used jQuery in this template its pure Svelte admin dashboard template. Sketch, Figma & XD files are also available with this template as complimentory. Skote is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal