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Tag: software landing page

Lonyo – Sass And software Html Template

Lonyo – Sass And software HTML Template designed HTML5 template ideal for showcasing Software Solutions. Built with Bootstrap Framework 5, SssS, HTML5 and CSS3. It offers a clean, user-friendly layout emphasizing your expertise and services, providing visitors with an exceptional online experience. This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We

Sofash – SaaS & Software React GatsBy Landing Page

Sofash is a perfect, innovative and responsive point of arrival format for programming, new companies, and versatile applications. This presentation page format has diverse shading, header, and design varieties. Efficient, recorded, and simple to modify, Sofash is the most ideal approach to introduce and advance your start-up programming or portable application site. Features: Build with

Allen – Multipurpose Saas Html 5 Template

Allen – Multipurpose SaaS HTML Template is a clean and modern HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, and jQuery. Allen – Multipurpose SaaS HTML Template is the best solution for SaaS, Apps, Software, agencies, and related products and services and is especially suitable for IT service companies. This template is easily customizable. Allen – Multipurpose SaaS HTML Template

Appku – Software & SaaS Landing Page

Appku – Software Landing Page Appku is a Responsive Software Landing Page HTML5 Template that comes with 20+ pages and 6 home page variations. Appku is a graphically polished, interactive, easily customizable, highly modern, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently coded, well documented, vibrant and fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Software Landing Page template specifically

Appku – Software Landing Page

Appku – Software Landing Page Appku is a Responsive Software Landing Page HTML5 Template that comes with 15+ pages and 2 home page variations. Appku is a graphically polished, interactive, easily customizable, highly modern, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently coded, well documented, vibrant and fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Software Landing Page template specifically

Sland – Software Landing Page HTML Template

Sland – Software Landing Page Sland – Software Landing Page HTML Template. It is a modern, beautiful HTML Template. You can build any kind of website with this template. You can build a Business website, SAAS website, Agency, IT Services, or Blog website with Sland – Software Landing Page HTML Template. Features • Designed on

Orions – Responsive App Landing Page React JS Template

Orions is a premium, fully responsive & multipurpose React JS software app landing page template suitable for any kind of mobile apps, startup apps, one page websites for varied kind of businesses. Design Features Premium Design Quality Modern, Flexible & Customizable 3 Different Colorful Demos Owl Carousel Smooth Page Transitions Google Fonts FontAwesome Icons LineAwesome

Piloz – Vue Nuxt App Landing Page Template

Piloz is a flat colorful app landing page HTML Template. It is specially designed for any kind of mobile app, software, sass, startup, marketing, one page and other online businesses. Note: This is a Vue Nuxt Js Template. It will not work with the WordPress/PHP nor will it work as a static HTML template. Features

Opins – Gatsby React App Landing Page Template

Opins is a professional, modern crafted React Next Template which is perfect for app landing, SEO, agency, marketing, start-up,and related any business showcase website, landing page or one page. Features Includes 2 Home versions Includes 2 Inner pages Built with Gatsby JS Built With React JS Built with React Bootstrap Used React Hooks No Class

Prista – App Landing Page HTML Template

Prista is a premium multipurpose HTML software app landing page template suitable for any kind of medical mobile apps, startup apps, one pager websites for varied kind of businesses. This design is also suitable for other business as well by just changing the images and text it can adapt to any business you’d like it