Goofy is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower, and SCSS. It’s very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is a professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is mobile first layout and is based on Bootstrap CSS Sass framework. Each
Tag: sass
LIGL – Coming Soon Animated Mega Pack
More variations beautiful Coming Soon page using the effects and animations. Suitable to all sites. TEMPLATE FEATURES 5+ version Fully Responsive Google Fonts Smooth Animations Clean and Minimal Easy to Customize Search form Cross Brower Supports: FireFox, Google Chrome, IE10+, Safari LIST VERSION Version 1 – Dark lamp white text Version 2 – Dark figure
Pagetti – Fullscreen Portfolio Template
Description Pagetti is specially prepared for creative agencies and personal designer/photographer. A perfect theme for presenting your work in a pleasant way Features Fully Responsive Pixel Perfect Unique Design HTML5 and CSS3 Google Fonts Usable. Default font Lato Google Maps integration Working Contact Form 7 PSDs files included ($12) Awesome technologies used, such as: Gulp
BiziPress – Finance, Consulting, Business HTML Template
BiziPress HTML template specially designed for Finance, Accounting, Financial, Brokerage, Accountant, Consulting Firms, Insurance, Loan, Tax help, Investment firm etc. It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, SASS, Gulp, Video Popup, Beautiful Tab, Gallery and more. BiziPress is a solid All-in-One HTML Template for better experience. Contact us for support: Template Features 9 Home
Upbond – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Upbond is a bootstrap based fully responsive admin template. It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and features. It allows developer to easily build a super awesome web application. FEATURES: Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices) Bootstrap 3.3.7 Clean and Flat design HTML5 & CSS3 LESS Support Login, register, error pages
Aonomy – App Landing Page
Aonomy is clean, modern and responsive App Landing HTML template. It is unique custom design based on bootstrap 4 and Sass. It has 7 diffeent background templates to help you choose the right template for your app and reusable components. Aonomy is premium looking template which can be easily customized for making any iPhone or
Nami App | Landing page
Nami is a beautiful website template was Created as a landing page, mobile app and companies, and in a few moments you can customise this template to suite your own needs. All files are super organized, and highly documented, so working with these files is a breeze. Main Features Modern Design Built With Pug and
X-Tagusi Health Supplement HTML and Sass Template
X-Tagusi is a clean and high quality creative HTML and Sass template. Build with Boostrap v4. You can easily present your ideas with perfect stylish. well commented html and css code for user friendly. Fully responsive and compatible with all latest browser. X-Tagusi – HTML Template specifically for Gym, Fitness, Supplements, Crossfit, Sports & Nutrition,
Cronos – Software/Startup HTML Template
Cronos, is a lightweight and customizable premium HTML template ideal for showcasing Software Solutions, SAAS Products and Startups. Built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework 4, HTML and CSS3. Cronos includes all SASS code for a complete and easy customization experience. Features Twitter Bootstrap 4 HTML5 and CSS3 Markup Fully Responsive Layout Working Mail Chimp API 3.0
Snoopy – Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template + UI Kit
Snoopy is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower, and SCSS. It’s very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is a professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is mobile first layout and is based on Bootstrap CSS Sass framework. Each