Website Templates

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Tag: responsive

TemplateHub – Multipurpose and Business HTML5 responsive template

TEMPLATEHUB is powerful and easy to use Multipurpose Template. It allows you to create anything like complete website for any Business, Creative, Beauty and Marketing Template etc. It comes with some stunning pre-build niche to make your life even easier to use it directly for your projects. Templatehub is build on Bootstrap 3, which is

Blogzone – Responsive Blog Template

Welcome to Blogzone!, a simple and elegant template that puts you in the center of expression ! Now you can focus on the idea and the concept and leave the rest to Blogzone! Modern and contemporary along with a well thought out color palette Blogzone is all you need to create outstanding blogs. In the

X-Tagusi Health Supplement HTML and Sass Template

X-Tagusi is a clean and high quality creative HTML and Sass template. Build with Boostrap v4. You can easily present your ideas with perfect stylish. well commented html and css code for user friendly. Fully responsive and compatible with all latest browser. X-Tagusi – HTML Template specifically for Gym, Fitness, Supplements, Crossfit, Sports & Nutrition,

Cronos – Software/Startup HTML Template

Cronos, is a lightweight and customizable premium HTML template ideal for showcasing Software Solutions, SAAS Products and Startups. Built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework 4, HTML and CSS3. Cronos includes all SASS code for a complete and easy customization experience. Features Twitter Bootstrap 4 HTML5 and CSS3 Markup Fully Responsive Layout Working Mail Chimp API 3.0

Evaxo – Responsive Minimal Template

Evaxo is fully responsive minimal template specifically built for agencies. It can be used to build a perfect website for any agency business, including creative agencies, architecture, interior designer, photographers, person or corporate portfolio, etc. It’s minimal design with super simple code gives all flexibility to develop to build a great website. FEATURES: Based on

Vuely : Vuejs 2 Material Design Admin Template

Vuely is a fully responsive admin template developed with Vuejs and VuetifyJs. It comes with lots of pre integrated features developed with easy component structure including custom pages. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables

Area — Real Estate Agency and Realtor HTML Template

AREA is a top notch html website template that will fit perfectly for any kind of real estate projects, agencies, hostel, realtors, and more. This modern and clean template has pixel perfect layout that was built with bootstrap 4 according to latest standarts of html5 and css3. It will cover all of your needs with

Melo Builder – Form Builder Interface HTML Template

Melo Builder is a Form Builder HTML Template, built with Bootstrap4. You can use Melo Builder HTML Template to develop the form builder website like Jot Forms. Melo Form Builder HTML Template comes with 16 well made HTML templates which combines the forms listing, single form data, packages, settings, builder page and global statistics pages.

Vuely : VueJs Admin Template

Vuely is a fully responsive admin template developed with Vuejs and VuetifyJs. It comes with lots of pre integrated features developed with easy component structure including custom pages. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables

CryptoCurrency – HTML Template

Cryptocurrency – new unique, modern, with elegant curves and simple forms, fully responsive HTML theme, based on Bootstrap 4.0 created using HTML and LESS. Features 25 HTML pages 2 design types: Rounded & Straight Excellent Responsiveness Base on Bootstrap 3 Well documented Pages: Rounded: index.html trade_currency.html about_us.html support_contact.html support_FAQ.html blog_grid.html blog_article.html blog_list.html calculator.html login.html signup.html