Yoda – React Admin Dashboard Template – is a user-friendly admin dashboard template built for developers based on Ant Design component framework. If you are a developer looking for all the useful features together, we can say that you found what you are looking for. This admin dashboard will light you on this path. Together
Tag: redux
Minia – React Admin & Dashboard Template
Minia is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap ^5.0.2 and React 17.0.2 with typescript. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes ( Dark, Light & RTL ) which are managed by SCSS only. You can simply change to any layouts or mode by changing a couple of lines code. You can
Karciz – React Redux Ticketing Admin Dashboard
Template Features Built on Latest React Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Customizable React Bootstrap Components Invoice User Profile Timeline Summernote Markdown Form Examples Many Charts Options Form Validation Input Slider Advanced Form Elements Form Wizard Social Bootstrap Datatable Table Sorting React Table Date Picker Sortable & Nestable Noui Slider Sweetalert
Chitchat – Perfect Chat and Discussion React JS Template
Chitchat – Perfect Chat and Discussion React JS Template Bootstrap 4x Bootstrap 5 Style With SASS Html with PUG Using Gulp Jquery 3.3.1 Landing page, email templates included Light & Dark& Box templete Multiple Color Options Fully Responsive layout Font Awesome 5 Detailed Documentation Clean & Well Commended Codes W3C Validated Code Google Fonts(Poppins) Chat
Lexa – React Admin & Dashboard Template
Lexa React is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap ^5.0.1. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes ( Dark, Light & RTL ) which are managed by SCSS only. You can simply change to any layouts or mode by changing a couple of lines code. You can start small and large
Qovex – React Js Admin & Dashboard Template
Qovex is a simple and beautiful admin template built with the latest React Js & Bootstrap 5-beta2. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes ( Dark, Light & RTL ) which are managed by SCSS only. You can simply change to any layouts or mode by changing a couple of lines of code. You
Acara – Ticketing Admin Dashboard React Template
Template Features Built on Latest React React js Awesome Customized Slider Responsive in Any Device Without jQuery React Bootstrap Slick Slider Clean And Professional Coding Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome Creative and Modern Design Fast Loading Speed Fast performance Support and Update React Carousel Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Easily Customizable Detailed
Veltrix – React Js Admin & Dashboard Template
Veltrix is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template built in React Redux Saga with firebase / fake-backend authentication and multi-language supports with developer-friendly codes. We have not used jQuery in this template its pure React Js with CRA and fully components based admin template. Veltrix is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin
Doar – Responsive React Admin Template
Doar – Responsive React Admin Template would be ideal for you if you are a react developer or a react website owner who requires working within a dashboard. It gives you numerous options and possibilities that will get you going in little to no time. This modern responsive React admin template is adorned with heaps
Econix – React Express JS eCommerce Template
Econix is a Modern Responsive template for eCommerce Shopping website. It is built with ReactJS, Express.js, Redux, MongoDB, Cloudinary, Bootstrap 5.x, and Sass. No jQuery dependencies exist! The template has Progressive Web App (PWA) feature included. Also, features like Dynamic Shop Management, Multiple User Types such Admin & Customers, Admin Panel for Confirm or Denying