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Tag: React.js

Fuse React – React Redux Material Design Admin Template

FUSE React Fuse React is a complete React admin template following Google Material Design guidelines. Fuse React uses Material UI Next as UI library and Redux for its state management. It has in-built page based template, route, authorization management features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more.

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Reactify is a powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk, webpack 4 and bootstrap 4. Its fully resposnive and support RTL languages with integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets and pages which makes it supper easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API

Mate – React Redux Material Admin Dashboard

A react-redux powered single page material admin dashboard. Used progressive web application pattern, highly optimized for your next react application. Built with : – Create React App [ Not ejected ] – React – Redux – Redux-Saga – Webpack 3 – React Router 4 – Async Loading – Code Splitting. – Flexbox Grid. – Material

React Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Jumbo React is a complete react admin template based on google material design concept and combines two most popular UI libraries Material-UI and BootStrap implemented with 500+ out of the box reusable react components. Its the first react admin template here on themeforest which has in-built complete modules like chat, contacts, mail, to-do and calendar.