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Tag: react admin panel
Annakoot – React Admin Panel
Annakoot: Multipurpose React Admin Template (light/dark mode, LTR/RTL direction) 24*7 Support For latest news and updates Documentation Rate Our Theme Overview The Annakoot Admin Template is a powerful and responsive admin dashboard built using React JS, HTML5, CSS3, and Ant design. It is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring various business
Vexel – React Typescript Dashboard Template
Introducing the “Vexel – React JS TypeScript React Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template,” a sophisticated solution built on the React Bootstrap framework. This template guarantees continuous updates for a seamless experience, providing an extensive array of features and functionalities. The Vexel admin dashboard template serves as your gateway to effortlessly manage your TypeScript-based React applications. Featuring
Vexel – Reactts Typescript Dashboard Template
Introducing the “Vexel – React JS TypeScript React Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template,” a sophisticated solution built on the React Bootstrap framework. This template guarantees continuous updates for a seamless experience, providing an extensive array of features and functionalities. The Vexel admin dashboard template serves as your gateway to effortlessly manage your TypeScript-based React applications. Featuring
Dashtic – Typescript React Admin Dashboard Template
Dashtic is an exceptional admin dashboard template that is designed to be fully responsive, multipurpose, and highly functional. The template is built with Typescript and React, which makes it an ideal choice for developers who prefer using Typescript in their React projects. This premium template boasts over 220 React components and 50+ integrated plugins, all
Zanex – React Typescript Admin and Dashboard Template
Zanex is a modern and multipurpose admin dashboard template designed using React-bootstrap framework. It is fully responsive and can be used on all major web browsers and devices, including desktop, smartphones, and tablets. The template includes 100+ react components and 50+ React plugins, making it easy to use and customizable. Zanex comes with various features,
Sash – ReactJs Admin & Dashboard Template
Sash – admin dashboard template is fully responsive , multipurpose and easy to use.This admin template Includes 100+ react component & 40+ React plugins. This modern admin template is for Multipurpose Use, also pre built with React-Bootstrap template design. This admin template designed with vertical & horizontal-menu, Light , dark and gradient variant colored design.
Dashtic – React js and Vite Admin Dashboard Template
Dashtic – admin dashboard template is fully responsive, multipurpose and easy to use.This admin template Includes 220+ react component & 70+ React plugins. This modern admin template is for Multipurpose Use, also pre built with Reactstrap template design. This admin template designed with vertical & horizontal-menu, Light and dark variant colored design. This is simply
Valex – React and Vite Admin Dashboard Template
Valex – React and Vite Javascript admin dashboard template fully responsive multipurpose easy use. This admin panel Includes 100+ react component & 50+ Plugins. This React js modern admin template Multipurpose Use pre built react-bootstrap template design. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal menu Light & dark admin dashboard design. This is simple React
Nowa – React TypeScript Admin Template
Nowa – TypeScript React Bootstrap admin dashboard template, It is fully responsive multipurpose and very easy to customize. This Admin template is Powered by React TypeScript with fully responsive. React TypeScript Admin Dashboard Template having multiple features such as horizontal Menu & LTR & RTL, light, dark, transparent. So it can be customized easily by