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Tag: react 18 admin

Osen – React 19 & Next JS Admin Dashboard Template

Osen is a powerful, premium React 19, Next Js and Bootstrap 5, this theme combines the latest web technologies for a smooth, high-performance experience. Its fully responsive design and vast customization options allow developers to tailor the interface precisely to project needs, whether for business analytics, content management, or ecommerce platforms. Osen’s clean, intuitive layout

Metrica – React Admin & Dashboard Template (React 18)

Metrica is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in React 18 with developer-friendly codes and Multi-Lingual support and few reusable components. Metrica is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin template with Dark, Light Layouts options. You can build web applications like Saas-based interface, eCommerce, Analytics apps,

Dastone – React Admin & Dashboard Template (React 18)

Dastone is a React 18 and Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard and multipurpose application ui kit. It is fully responsive and included awesome features to help build web applications fast and easy. The tones of well designed and developed layouts, components, elements, widgets and application pages allows you to create any saas based application, custom admin

Konrix – React Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard Template

Konrix – React Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Tailwind CSS v3.3.2 and React is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in React Konrix is a powerful admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS. Konrix comes with a dashboard and admin template that offers a vast