Website Templates

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Tag: psd template

Hotline | Call Center and Telemarketing HTML Template

Hotline Website Template Introduction The Hotline HTML5 website template is a custom design parallax effect yet powerful solution for displaying artwork. The Hotline HTML5 template features a fully responsive framework that looks fantastic on any mobile device and retina display ready for high-quality resolution graphics. It is ideal for any company engaged in Call Center

Microx – CV Resume and Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template

Microx – CV Resume and Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template Microx is a clean, creative, unique template for CV Resume And Personal Portfolio websites.This design is very creative and unique, and also very easy to customize and use. This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice of

Gazek – Agency Portfolio HTML Template

Gazek is a beautiful choice if you’re looking for the best HTML template that makes your company look creative. It is designed for those who want to present a strong online presence and be on the top. Bright and creative, this HTML template is going to blow your customers away. The landing page has all

Gocov – Health And Medical HTML Template

Overview Gocov is a html template for Health and Medical websites. It is a highly suitable template for doctors, dentists, hospitals, health clinics, surgeons and any type of health or medical organization. It has purpose oriented design, responsive layout and special features like appointment forms, services, doctors, gallery items, testimonials, FAQs, news and other pages.

Edefy – React Js Digital Marketplace Template

Edefy is the great Digital Marketplace React Template that enables you to create a powerful Digital Marketplace website .The Template layout contains custom made pages for Digital Marketplace niche, Latest Products, Feature Products, Product Single, Product page and Author page.There is no doubt that Edefy will make your Website look more impressive and attractive to

Clainc – Health And Medical HTML Template

Overview Clainc Clinic is a html template for Health and Medical websites. It is a highly suitable template for doctors, dentists, hospitals, health clinics, surgeons and any type of health or medical organization. It has purpose oriented design, responsive layout and special features like appointment forms, services, doctors, gallery items, testimonials, FAQs, news and other

Anagha – Business and Corporate HTML Templates

Anagha – Business and Corporate HTML Templates Anagha is a modern design for any business and corporate. You can boost your business using Anagha HTML Template It will give interactive any kind of product presentation for your company. Its very clean and modern design, we make it with our expertise and according to User experience.

ISIK. — Responsive Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template

v1.0 21.05.2019 Initial release. ( index-dark.html, index-light.html ) ISIK. — A responsive personal portfolio HTM5 template based on Bootstrap 4. Elegant, clean and modern layout design with dark and light versions. Features: Elegant and Clean Layout. Dark and Light Versions. Working Contact Form. Responsive Layout. Based on Bootstrap 4. Easy to Update. Free Fonts and

TravelGo – Travel, Tour Booking HTML5 Template

The TravelGo – Responsive Template is clean, simple to use and it’s responsive. It has content slider, travel list and grid, also booking form. The template has a unique design with support all browsers. Also it has Google maps integrated, form validation, and many more features… Features 80 HTML files 3 Banner Styles Fully responsive

Pixelfocus – One Page HTML Template

Pixelfocus – One Page HTML Template Pixelfocus is a modern, responsive and clean design. It is Responcive HTML5 / CSS3 Template based on Bootstrap 3. It looks great with all types of devices (laptop, tables and mobiles). This template is well organized and very easy to customize. More features: Based on Bootstrap 100% Responsive Clean