Website Templates

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Tag: php template

Axelit PHP Admin Dashboard Template

Axelit PHP Admin Dashboard Template Axelit – PHP Admin Dashboard Template – is the multipurpose & powerful & clean modern responsive PHP Admin Template. A powerful admin template built especially for develop friendly Admin Features Using PHP 2 Different Dashboard SCSS Used Calender Invoice Kanban Board Profile App Timeline App FAQ App Pricing App Gallery

Bookinga – Multipurpose PHP Booking and Directory Template

Bookinga is a multipurpose PHP Template. Crafted for all the websites that offer booking services. Mainly we have focused on the below domains, Hotel booking Flight booking Cab booking (Car rental services) Tour booking (Tour operator, Travel agency) Directory Listing Each domain features a complete set of pages to allow you to build a fully

InBio – Personal Portfolio PHP Template

Get the InBio – Personal Portfolio PHP Template at 50% Discount Now! The InBio – Personal Portfolio PHP Template offers stunning design, exceptional performance, and is perfect for developers who prefer HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s a great fit for any personal portfolio or agency website. Key Features: Fully responsive and retina ready Clean and

Silicon – PHP Multipurpose Business & Technology Template

Silicon is multipurpose business & technology PHP template. It offers demos for creative businesses, IT, and software development, corporate segments, and startups. Below you will find the complete list of all page templates and landing pages. Silicon also includes a complete set of frequently used inner and specialty page designs as well as Blog and

Translo – Transport and Logistics PHP Template

Translo – Logistics and Transportation PHP Template for is designed for cargo, cargo delivery, company, freight, freight transport, logistic warehouse, logistics, shipment, shipping, shipping company, transport, transport company, transportation, trucking company, and many more. translo template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets,

Geex – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template

Geex PHP Responsive Admin & Dashboard Template is a comprehensive collection of UI components, offering a versatile range that encompasses forms, tables, charts, icons, and more. With a focus on ease of customization, this template empowers developers to quickly craft distinctive and visually appealing interfaces that adhere to specific requirements and uphold high-quality UI application

Aiwave – PHP – AI SaaS Website + Dashboard UI Kit

Revolutionize Your Design Experience: Unlock the potential of AI design with Aiwave – PHP, HTML, SASS, jQuery, and Bootstrap powerhouse. From an AI code generator to voice commands, image editing, and more, revolutionize your design process. Explore responsive design for desktop, tablet, and mobile, including dark modes, with light mode enhancements on the horizon. Features