Uplon is a fully responsive premium web UI kit built with awesome Bootstrap v5.3.3 & PHP 8x. It has super clean user interfaces, many ready-to-use and highly customizable components and widgets. The power of SASS and easy code allows any developer to turn this theme into real web application. FEATURES: Fully Responsive Design Created using
Tag: php admin
Davur – Restaurant PHP Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
You will get PHP Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And SCSS files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problems you are facing regarding this product. Important Note: Images used in the demo are not provided in the download package. License Regular license: Use, by you or
Uena – PHP Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user
Tixia – PHP Ticketing Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
You will get PHP Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features 90+ PHP Pages Available 5+ Pre Demo Available 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices SEO Optimized
Sego – PHP Restaurant Admin Dashboard Bootstrap HTML Template
You will get PHP Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. Credits Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style Apexchart https://apexcharts.com
Acara – PHP Ticketing Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
You will get PHP Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Credits Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style Aos https://michalsnik.github.io/aos Apexchart https://apexcharts.com Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com Bootstrap4 Notify http://bootstrap-notify.remabledesigns.com Bootstrap Daterangepicker https://www.daterangepicker.com Bootstrap Material Datetimepicker https://t00rk.github.io/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker Bootstrap Multiselect https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect Bootstrap Select https://developer.snapappointments.com/bootstrap-select Bootstrap Tagsinput https://bootstrap-tagsinput.github.io/bootstrap-tagsinput/examples Bootstrap-touchspin https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-touchspin Bootstrap v4 RTL https://bootstrap.rtlcss.com Chart.js https://www.chartjs.org
Zynix – PHP Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
Introducing Zynix – PHP Bootstrap Templates for Dashboard Zynix admin dashboard is a premier PHP admin panel template in bootstrap meticulously crafted for modern web developers and designers. It offers a seamless, responsive user experience, making it ideal for managing and visualizing data in CSS layout templates. By combining PHP with the flexibility of Bootstrap,
Adminox – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template
Adminox – PHP Admin & Dashboard UI Kit Adminox is a powerful and fully responsive PHP admin UI kit designed to provide everything you need for modern web applications. Built using PHP, Bootstrap 5.3.3, CSS3, and jQuery, Adminox combines robust backend capabilities with a sleek, flat design and an extensive collection of ready-made components. With
Worldnic – PHP Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
PHP Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the
Workload – PHP Project Management Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
You will get PHP Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features 60+ HTML Pages Available 6+ Pre Demo Available 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Light And Dark Theme Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices SEO Optimized