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Tag: pet shop

Petlox | Pet Care & Veterinary HTML5 Template

Petlox | Pet Care & Veterinary HTML5 Template Petlox Pet Care & Veterinary HTML5 Template is an elegant and modern design for animal care. It suits all types of pet stores, pet hotel, pet boarding, also for pet shops, grooming, and other multipurpose pet care. All pages are 100% w3c validated and coded, well structure

Pepito – Pet Care & Veterinary Template

Pepito is perfect if you like a clean, modern and minimal pet care and veterinary template. The Template is also suitable for pet care, pet store, veterinary clinic, dog and cat training classes, animals, adoption, vet shop, pet hotel, pet salon, pet boarding, grooming and other multipurpose pet care. If you would like to create

PetPerks – Pet Shop eCommerce Bootstrap HTML Template

Template Features 60+ Inner Pages 18+ Shop Pages 20+ Blogs Pages 15+ portfolio Pages Detailed Documentation Latest Bootstrap Latest jQuery SCSS Compatible Google Fonts Mobile Sidemenu reCaptcha integration MailChimp integration Running Contact Form Effective Home Pages Fully Responsive Flaticon Font Awesome Icons Sticky Header Modern Design Clean Code & Design Video Modal FREE Lifetime Updates

Pet Love – Animal Shelter HTML Template

Pet Love is a fully responsive multipage HTML5 template that is perfect for creating pet related websites, like Animal Shelter, Animal Rescue,Pet stores, Pet adoption, Kennel clubs websites. Pet Love is based on the latest Bootstrap 5.3 Framework and every section of the template is fully customizable. It Includes 5 ready made Color Skins, and

Pawsh | Pet Care HTML Template

“Pawsh Pet Care Website Template” Documentation by “Designing Media Team” “Pawsh Pet Care Website Template” Created: 19 June, 2022 By: Support: Email: Twitter: <!– end div .span-6 –> Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free

Viserpet – Pet Shop & Food eCommerce HTML Template

The viserpet HTML template is a professionally designed web page layout that can be used to create an online marketplace for pet shop owners and customers. The template is built using modern web development technologies such as HTML5, Bootstrap 5, and CSS, ensuring that it is responsive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Whether you

Evib – eCommerce HTML Template

Offer Price: Only $15 for a Limited Time! Buy Now! Evib is a modern responsive HTML template for eCommerce business websites. It is created for e-commerce business websites that own an offline or online shop and offers products sold online through a website. It fits businesses, including Fashion, Clothing, Machineries, Machine Parts, Auto parts, Pet