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Tag: personal

CV / Resume / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template | Martyn CV

Martyn – CV / Resume / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template Creating a professional, modern and sophisticated online resume website is easy with Martyn CV / Resume. Martyn CV / Resume HTML Template is a perfect solution for professional resume / cv / portfolio and personal website. it comes with a lot of useful features.

Oxer – Minimal Portfolio HTML Template

Oxer is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based HTML 5 minimal portfolio template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it for any activity. There are a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision, if you want to present your activity on the internet in the modern

Martyn CV – Resume / CV / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template

Martyn CV – Resume / CV / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template Creating a professional, modern and sophisticated online resume website is easy with Martyn CV / Resume. Martyn CV / Resume HTML Template is a perfect solution for professional resume / cv / portfolio and personal website. it comes with a lot of useful

The9 – Creative Multi-Purpose Template

The9 is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap responsive multipurpose corporate HTML5 template with 6 ready home page demos. The9 – Creative Multi-Purpose Template The9 is a graphically polished, interactive, easily customizable, highly modern, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently coded, well documented, vibrant and fully responsive HTML5, CSS3, SASS base multi-purpose website

Martyn – Resume / CV / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template

Martyn CV – Resume / CV / Portfolio & vCard HTML5 Template Creating a professional, modern and sophisticated online resume website is easy with Martyn CV / Resume. Martyn CV / Resume HTML Template is a perfect solution for professional resume / cv / portfolio and personal website. it comes with a lot of useful

Muffet – Minimal Portfolio

Muffet is a personal portfolio template for creative people with very unique and minimal design. The code is spotless and straightforward and enables any engineer to effectively alter it. Features Modern, Minimal and Clean Design Based on Bootstrap 4v 100% Responsive Easy to Customize FontAwesome Icons Free Google Fonts. Awesome Unique Look All files are

Inex – Creative Coming Soon Template

A fully responsive template with a modern design suitable for all creative fields. Inex is a fully responsive under construction/coming soon template with a modern design suitable for all creative fields. The template is featuring a powerful fullscreen background video and imagery making it a perfect choice for photographers, artists and designers who want to

Renex – Personal / Portfolio / Resume Template

Renex is a super clean and super professional Personal Portfolio Template.If you are a Designer, freelancer, marketer its only for you. Renex template build on without Bootstrap. So it it very light. You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio Renex template is written in valid and clean HTML & CSS3

Nayra – Responsive Resume / Personal Portfolio

Nayra – Personal Portfolio Template is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive portfolio template Nayra – Responsive Resume / Personal Portfolio Nayra is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily. This is built

Calvin – Personal Portfolio Template

Calvin responsive personal portfolio template. It’s a modern, creative, clean, professional, attractive personal template. Calvin puts reusable HTML and modular CSS first, blending contemporary styling with beautiful markup throughout each HTML page in the pack. It has been optimized to facilitate your time and money. It’s well documented which will help you to get your