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Tag: payroll management

HRM & CRM Next js Dashboard Template | Manez

Manez – HRM & CRM Next js Dashboard Template Manez is a fully featured HRM & CRM dashboard template powered by the latest technologies like React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Material UI. It’s aimed at optimizing human resource and customer relationship management. Manez fuses the beauty of modern design with incredible functionality. From Apexcharts

Manez – HRM & CRM HTML5 Bootstrap Dashboard Template

Manez – HRM & CRM HTML5 Bootstrap Dashboard Template Manez is a comprehensive HRM & CRM HTML5 Bootstrap Dashboard Template designed to streamline your human resources and customer relationship management processes. With a clean, modern design and a wealth of features, Manez provides everything you need to manage your workforce and clients efficiently. Features Overview

Smarthr – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template

SmartHR is an HRMS system that allows you to automate HR project management templates. This Template integrates with tailwind CSS and can be used by all businesses involved in the HR industry. The feature-rich Web App Template is designed to manage: Employee management (Attendance, Holiday, Leave) Time sheet management Shift and Schedule Payroll management (salary

Smarthr – Laravel Admin Template

Looking to automate HR management template Laravel7? Smart HR is for you. This is a project management and HR automation template that can be used for the HRMS system. This template is built and integrated with Bootstrap 4x, HTML, and SCSS. All businesses connected with HR can be monitored and managed in a single dashboard

DHR – HTML Mobile Template

SmartHR is an extensive mobile app template for HR business. You can use this mobile app template for – HR Management, Client Management, Payroll Management, Project Management, Task Management & Audio & Video Call and more CORE FEATURES Fully Customizable and Responsive Design Optimized HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Framework7 2.3.1 Pixel Perfect Design Font-Awesome Icons