Bigboost – eCommerce HTML Template Bigboost Ecommerce Theme Endless Features 12+ Multi-Purpose Layout 15+ Attractive Product Layout 10+ Attractive Shop Layout 24+ Specially Designed Inner Pages Multiple Header Varations Multiple Footer Varations Multiple Blog Varations Total 75+ HTML Pages Mega Menu Integrated Mobile Optimized Design E-commerce Image Swatches Amazing Product Zoom Infite Scroll on Product
Tag: minimal
Arado | Kalvin – Portfolio Template
Arado is a Profession ,Clean and Creative Portfolio Template. Responsive based on Bootstrap. You can use this tempalte for Marketer or Front End Developer. It is well coded and optimized. Arado is build with Envaot Elite author. What do you get? Html content Documentation Sources and Credits – Images – unsplash iconic – iconic-font swiper
Bela — Minimal Multi-Purpose Template
Bela is a multi-purpose, neat and minimal template suitable for all kinds of agencies, organizations, companies, brands and also for personal uses. Bela is designed in a contemporary style so it looks super modern and up to date with current design trends. Bela Comes with two main demo page with multiple secitons, 12 portfolio paes,
Laterna – Creative Portfolio Template
Laterna – is a premium flexible Template for your businesses. We looked over last trends in web-design when creating this template. It`is very clean and easy to use template with many features and animations. Fonts used in the template Poppins Playfair Display Icons used in the template: Flaticons FontAwesome Images: Adobe Stock Fotolia LogoPond (Logos)
Gambit – Portfolio / Photography HTML Template
Features Light & Dark Color Themes Modern Design Multiple Slideshows Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation For Sliders Horizontal Gallery Justified Gallery Gallery and Portfolio Homepages Photo Albums and Collections Video Homepage (Youtube, Vimeo, Local Video) Lightbox (Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 support) Filterable Portfolio Touch / Swipe Support Smart Grid For Galleries And Portfolios Multiple Portfolio Pages Single
Negan – React eCommerce Template
Negan – React eCommerce Template – rich with tons of useful features. To build an eCommerce site Negan React template will hopefully be the most emerging option. You can use this template to sell Fasion Products, Shoes, Bags, Cosmetics, Clothes, Sunglasses, Furniture, Kids Products, Stationery Products and Sporting Goods etc. Negan is built based on
Obliv – Creative HTML Template
About Obliv is creative multipurpose HTML template with lots of features, variations, and demos. Obliv is for everyone. It fit in every category like coming soon, product launch, app launch, Business, Agency, Hotel, Restaurant, Personal, Corporate, Gym, Portfolio minimal site, info site, etc. Obliv comes up with a long feature list like fully functional Ajax
Oxer – Minimal Portfolio HTML Template
Oxer is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based HTML 5 minimal portfolio template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it for any activity. There are a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision, if you want to present your activity on the internet in the modern
Manna – Creative Agency
Clean Code and Modern Design Fully Responsive Bootstrap Manna is a Responsive Creative Agency Template for creative people. Features Modern, Minimal and Clean Design Based on Bootstrap 4v 100% Responsive Easy to Customize FontAwesome Icons Free Google Fonts. Awesome Unique Look All files are well commented Well Documentation What do you get? HTML Files CSS
Leous – Creative Portfolio HTML Template
creative & modern HTML template for portfolio theme. Approach with new trending design, focus on clean, modern and minimalist design, will make your website look more impressive and attractive to viewers. Help increase the rate of interaction with your users and bring you more leads. Designed on grid system of Bootstrap, your site will look