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Tag: material design

Emporium – Angular Material Design eCommerce Template

Emporium is a powerful and creative material design ecommerce template based on Angular 5 and Angular-CLI. Using such a great tools like Angular-Cli, it’s really easy to maintain. The template is fully responsive and clean on every device and on every modern browser. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any

Fuse React – React Redux Material Design Admin Template

FUSE React Fuse React is a complete React admin template following Google Material Design guidelines. Fuse React uses Material UI Next as UI library and Redux for its state management. It has in-built page based template, route, authorization management features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more.

Imozar – Personal Portfolio Template

Imozar- Personal Portfolio Template Imozar is modern, Creative & professional One page portfolio template, designed for a freelancer, creative designer, photographer who wants to display their personal portfolio or resume And helps you to showcase All your,services, works, your information, …. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to

Xakti – Multifungsional Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Xakti is an admin template created based on Bootstrap 4 stable version. xakti is not so much use as an additional class, but rather takes advantage of the classes that the Bootstrap already owns. do you like flat design or material design? you can use both. We have many interesting features. With xakti, you can

Zircos – Responsive Admin Dashboard + Material Design

Zirocos is a fully responsive modern Bootstrap admin and dashboard template. It is built using LESS, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The uniqueness would allow to build any type of admin panel, dashboard or analytics portal, CRM, etc. The super clean code allows easy customization. FEATURES: Fully Responsive Design Created using Bootstrap 3.3.7 6+ Layouts Material

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Reactify is a powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk, webpack 4 and bootstrap 4. Its fully resposnive and support RTL languages with integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets and pages which makes it supper easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API

Mate – React Redux Material Admin Dashboard

A react-redux powered single page material admin dashboard. Used progressive web application pattern, highly optimized for your next react application. Built with : – Create React App [ Not ejected ] – React – Redux – Redux-Saga – Webpack 3 – React Router 4 – Async Loading – Code Splitting. – Flexbox Grid. – Material

Focus – Responsive Photography Template

Focus is a clean and Modern One Page Photography / Portfolio Template. It’s a clean and beautifully designed HTML template that is an ideal fit for any creative photographers and other who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients. Focus is fully functional providing Ajax working Contact Form. The

HostQi – HTML5 Responsive Hosting Template

HostQi – HTML5 Responsive Hosting Template HostQi is a multipage and alse onepage responsive hosting template made with HTML5. It is clean designed, simple looking, Built to work as both Single Page and Mulipage template. You can use it for your hosting site or for any specific product. It also has some functions like working

Portal – Angular, React & HTML Material Admin Template

From the same team that brought you the best selling Triangular template. This time we have gone 4 better giving you 4 frameworks to choose from, Angular, React, HTML or Sketch! Angular 5 Version We took everything we learnt creating our best selling Triangular AngularJS template and combined it together to create the new Portal