Website Templates

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Tag: market

Eatsie – Pick Up & Delivery Food Template

Eatsie – Pick Up & Delivery Food Template Eatsie – Pick Up & Delivery Food Template for food shops and large grocery stores, organic food markets for farm products and food delivery services. Eatsie – Pick Up & Delivery Food Template is an attractive HTML Template specially designed for the multipurpose shops like the grocery

Cirro – Forex and Finance HTML Template

Cirro Forex and Finance HTML template, your premium choice for trading currencies, invesment & stocks online, suite for every financial business like Forex, Introducing Broker or Wealth Asset Management company. Comes with 4 homepage variant and equipped with latest web technology including Sass for flexible and rapid customization. v1.0.0 – Initial files for ver 1.0.0

Bizent – Business Consulting HTML Template

Bizent is modern and Next-Generation Business Consulting HTML Template. It is a modern and clean design based on the Bootstrap 5 grid system. It’s very unique design, Seo friendly, and eye-eye-catching design. This template is a special design for Business, Consulting, Corporate, Creative and more much Website you can build with this Template. It’s also

Bitakon || NFT Marketplace React Next js Template

Bitakon || NFT Marketplace React Next js Template Bitakon – NFT Marketplace Template is a clean and modern React Next js Template . It’s suitable for any NFT marketplace, digital marketplace, crypto collectibles, NFT world buying selling, digital art, crypto art, DeFi website and non-fungible tokens.. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all

Finanzo | HTML Template

A) Introduction – top The Finanzo HTML5 website template is a custom design package that is exclusively made for consulting businesses, finance businesses, and startup companies. It provides the best solution for Finance Agencies, Business Growth, Marketing Advice, and Wealth Management. It has a modern, clean, creative & unique design based on the latest technology..

Gonft – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap Template

Gonft – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap Template Gonft is a NFT Marketplace HTML template that can be used to build your own marketplace. Gonft is a best designed NFT blockchain, crypto, crypto art, digital and many mor purpose HTML Template. A well crafted, A+ grade responsive design, pixel-perfect and the most complete package for NFTs marketplace,

NFTOcean – NFT Marketplace React Next JS Template

NFTOcean – NFT Marketplace React Next JS Template NFT Ocean is a complete React Next JS Template for NFTs that transforms digital works of art and other collectibles into unique, verifiable assets that are simple to trade on the blockchain. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital content pieces linked to the blockchain, the digital database

Travl : React Redux Hotel Admin Dashboard

Template Features Built on Latest React Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Customizable React Bootstrap Components Invoice User Profile Timeline Summernote Markdown Form Examples Many Charts Options Form Validation Input Slider Advanced Form Elements Form Wizard Social Bootstrap Datatable Table Sorting React Table Date Picker Noui Slider Sweetalert Toaster Lightbox Scroll

Rockie – Crypto Exchange HTML Template

Rockie – Crypto Exchange HTML Template Rockie – is an NFT Template Website for Collectibles, Crypto, Crypto Art, Crypto Asset, Crypto art, Digital, and many many more. It’s trendy, fully responsive, and easy to customize. The template is SEO Optimized, easily customizable, contains easy-to-read, understand source code, and well documentation. This Template offers various personalization

Fonash – React js NFT Collection/Minting Template

Fonash – React js NFT Collection/Minting TemplateToday we want to share NFT Collection Template that will be the perfect solution to represent your nft collection and be the great way to showcase your nft portfolio, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the