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Tag: google material

W3CRM – Angular Admin Dashboard Template

Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user

Pingo – Vue Material Design Admin Dashboard Template

Pingo is a clean, modern Vue Material Admin Dashboard template based on Material UI, VueJS, Vuetify, and TypeScript. It comes with different reusable and professional responsive components with multiple design variations. It has a mega-collection of features that can help using this admin template for Small to Medium and Large projects, including eCommerce, Analytics, Project

Pingo – Vue Material Design Admin Dashboard Template

Pingo is a clean, modern Vue Material Admin Dashboard template based on Material UI, VueJS, Vuetify, and TypeScript. It comes with different reusable and professional responsive components with multiple design variations. It has a mega-collection of features that can help using this admin template for Small to Medium and Large projects, including eCommerce, Analytics, Project

Cashiar – Tailwind HTML5 Accounting Dashboard Template

Cashiar – Tailwind HTML5 Accounting Dashboard Template Cashiar is a creative Accounting System Admin template built with Tailwind Css (CDN) & Vanilla CSS. Cashiar is fully responsive Html5 Accounting System Admin Template. Cashiar built with Sass preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of Cashiar by including only the components

Cashier – Angular Accounting Admin Template

Cashier – Angular Accounting Admin Template Cashier is a creative material design Accounting System Admin template built with Angular 13 and the Angular-CLI. Cashier is fully responsive Angular Accounting System Admin Template, based on tailwindcss. Cashier built with Sass preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of Cashier by including

Inventual – Angular Inventory Admin Template

Inventual – Angular Inventory Admin Template Inventual is a creative material design inventory template built with Angular 12 and the Angular-CLI. Inventual is fully responsive Angular Inventory Admin Template, based on the tailwindcss. Its built with Sass preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of inventual by including only the

Brego – Modern Admin Template

  Brego – Modern Admin Template Brego is a modern multipurpose theme that has an exclusive and attention-grabbing design. Yet it is also crafted with a powerful functionality in mind. For this very reason, you can make use of the excellent image gallery, pop-ups, advanced form elements, and impressive animation effects. If you are searching

Sphinx – Vuejs Material Design Admin Template

Sphinx Sphinx is a vuejs responsive dashboard built using vue-cli and vuetify. Prerequisites Sphinx is built using modern workflow technologies and tools. before using and developing Sphinx you should have the following tools installed on your system: nodejs. (required) npm or yarn. (required) git (optional) Features material design concept clean and elegant design. Responsive layout.

ArchitectUI – Angular 7 Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin Template

ArchitectUI is a Moden Angular 7 Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin Dashboard Template We’re proud to release our Angular 7 port of ArchitectUI. It uses only widgets and components specially built for Angular, updated to their latest versions. As a base framework, ArchitectUI Angular is powered by @angular/cli, @ng-bootstrap (Bootstrap 4 Angular implementation –