Foodily – Food and beverage shop PHP Template Foodily has been designed for small food & beverage shops/restaurants and food bloggers who love to write about food and recipes. Its simple design can convey your beverage and food information to the food lovers, your clients who already love your food, and keep updated so new
Tag: food truck
Foodily – Food and Beverage Shop React Next Js Template
Foodily has been designed for small food & beverage shops/restaurants and food blogger who love to write about food and recipes. Its simple design can convey your beverage and food information to the food lovers, your clients who already love your food, and keep updated, new customers discover your food items before popping up. Its
Treats – Fast Food & Restaurant HTML Template
Treats is fully responsive, unique & modern designed HTML template. We have used comment on codes and also decorated the codes beautifully so one can find it very easy to customize. We have also added a detailed documentation where we have described how to customize each and everything of this template with screenshots. We have
Foodka – Restaurant Food Ordering & Delivery HTML Template
Foodka HTML template is a stylish and modern template for food delivery. The theme is designed for online food ordering and food delivery websites, as well as restaurant websites. You can also use it as a food blog, lifestyle blog, online cookbook, restaurant listing, restaurant ranking, or recipe website. Tags burger, delivering, delivery, fastfood, food,
Foodily – Food and Beverage Shop HTML Template
Foodily – Food and beverage shop HTML Template Foodily has designed for small food & beverage shops/restaurants and food blogger who love to write about food and recipes. Its simple design can convey your beverage and food information to the food lovers, your clients who already love your food and keep updated, new customers discover
Quickmunch | Restaurant Listing React Template
Quickmunch – Resturant React Templates is a complete package for restaurants listings. Quickmunch React template is packed with over 25 pages including membership page & packages for restaurant owners, listing page, 5 Home pages, contact, login and the full inchilada .Quickmunch React Restaurants Directory and Listings Template is fully responsive built on Bootstrap 4 grid.
Quickmunch | Food Delivery HTML5 Template
Quickmunch – Restaurant HTML Templates is a complete package for restaurants listings. Quickmunch HTML5 template is packed with over 25 pages including membership page & packages for restaurant owners, listing page, 5 Home pages, contact, login and the full enchilada .Restaurant HTML5 Restaurants Directory and Listings Template is fully responsive built on Bootstrap 4 grid.
Wengdo – Fast Food HTML Template
Wengdo Template is designed for Fast Food Truck, Pizza, Burger, Fast Food etc. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices. This Template comes with necessary features for your online presence like projects, project details, blog, testimonial page etc. Wengdo can be a great choice for your online presence. Looking for