Losalamos Laboratory & Research HTML Template is designed specially for Laboratory & Research, and all type of Laboratory related services. Losalamos template has beautifull and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices. This template comes with necessary features
Tag: fast
Teak — HTML Templates for Your Portfolio
What is Teak HTML? Teak is collection of high quality HTML templates created by digital agency for digital agencies and freelancers. Features Detailed Documentation, Available OnlineDoks is fully documented with an online documentation. Fully ResponsiveDesigned to cover the wide range of screen sizes available today. Resize the width of your browser window on the live
Yanka – Retail Ecommerce HTML Template
Yanka is new generation ecommerce HTML template. HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap 4, SASS, GULP, jQuery – what else technologies do you want to see in modern ecommerce software? Please, compare core features of our template with other items, and you will see that Yanka is definetely leader in this comparison. Any kind of webstore can be built
Aculia | Laboratory & Research HTML Template
Aculia Laboratory & Research HTML Template is designed specially for Laboratory & Research, and all type of Laboratory related services. Aculia template has beautifull and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices. This template comes with necessary features
Auri – A Modern Mobile Template
Auri – A Modern Mobile Template is super clean templates, fits in every niche such as clean portfolio home page, shop, portfolio, gallery, blog, etc. with brought clean design, simple design,responsive, easy customize and more. And many features other, instantly see the preview to see any features Features Easy Customize Multipurpose Responsive Clean Code Clean
Vertiglast – Real Estate Landing Page
Why Vertiglast? Vertiglast is designed to showcase your real estate assets and drive custommers to your business. Built for efficinecy and smoothness on the Bootstrap 4 framework. Important Notice Please keep in mind this item is a HTML template not a WordPress Theme.AtypicalThemes reserves its right to decline refunds for purchases made by mistake or
Bookify – HTML Booking Template With Unlimited Possibilities
TravelMate is responsive and rich HTML template ready for CMS integration It based on research of top booking providers like kayak, travelocity, airbnb, booking.com, expedia, priceline, etc Template is strongly focused on accessibility and overall user experience. It’s coded in structured and logical way. It’s HTML5 friendly and optimized for different devices. When it’s comes
Opalin – Startup HTML Template
Create a beautiful website for your startup with templates for pricing, about and onboarding pages. Opalin HTML Template is built on a custom framework making it light and super fast. It’s available in HTML, CSS and well-organized Sass files. In addition, the HTML template is also available in Sketch with responsive and nested symbols. Custom
Cools – A Clean Mobile Template
Cools – A Clean Mobile Template is super clean templates, fits in every niche such as clean portfolio home page, shop, blog, etc. with brought clean design, simple design,responsive, easy customize and more. And many features other, instantly see the preview to see any features Features Easy Customize Multipurpose Responsive Clean Code Clean Design Font
Smooth | Mobile Web UI Template
Smooth – Mobile Web UI Template be made design with soft, silky and meeting a good overlay design. supports creative home, store, blog, news, portfolio, and many other page. polished with an interesting color combination. This template modern design, clean design, clean code and easy to customize, easy to cange color and many more. Features