Nowa – Django Bootstrap 5 Admin & Dashboard Template Nowa Is Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard Django template,It is fully responsive multipurpose and very easy to customize. This Django admin panel template includes 100+ HTML Pages & 60+ jquery Plugins. Nowa contains many advanced web pages that makes your work easy. We have Designed Vertical &
Tag: Dashboard UI
InvestX – Investment Portfolio Admin Dashboard Template
InvestX Admin Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Template Dashboard Web Application. Admin Theme panel for backend design and UI interface of your Web apps. The Admin HTML template can be used for online applications for investment, portfolio and mutual funds app and softwares. Clean, Modern, New, Creative look for your application. This comes with
Clont – Laravel Dashboard Template
Clont – Bootstrap Admin panel HTML MIX Laravel admin dashboard template. This Design patterns in php and laravel . This laravelmix admin panel Includes PHP Pages, 55 + Plugins. It has a Clean laravel dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. This laravel ui php template
Spaner – Bootstrap Admin Panel Dashboard Design Responsive HTML5 Template
Spaner – Simple light weight Bootstrap Nice Admin Panel Dashboard Design Responsive HTML5 Template. This Template Includes 90+ HTML Pages & 50 Plugins more UI elements, 5 types menus styles included. Spaner admin template can be used for different various of 5 Dashboards. No Need to do hard work for this template customization. We are