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Tag: dashboard laravel

Mediqu – Hospital Laravel Admin Dashboard Template

You will get HTML Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. Change Log 29 September 2020 * New

Dashtic – Laravel Dashboard Template

Dashtic – Bootstrap Admin panel php blade HTML MIX Laravel template. This Design patterns in php and laravel framework. This laravelmix php script admin panel Includes PHP Pages, 70 + Plugins. It has a Clean laravel php latest version dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars.

Clont – Laravel Dashboard Template

Clont – Bootstrap Admin panel HTML MIX Laravel admin dashboard template. This Design patterns in php and laravel . This laravelmix admin panel Includes PHP Pages, 55 + Plugins. It has a Clean laravel dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. This laravel ui php template

Hogo – Laravel Admin Template

Hogo – PHP laravel template bootstrap 4 HTML MIX admin template. This laravel ui framework Includes PHP Pages & 50+ Plugins. We have prebuild 5 Dashboard Designs. It has a Clean laravel blade template, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are Premium Dashboard Laravel UI which can use be used for multipurpose

Dashlead – Laravel Admin Template

Laravel Starter KIT PHP Admin Panel for laravel framework with HTML MIX Dashlead – Bootstrap Admin panel Dashboard Blade Laravel Framework HTML PHP template. This php html and laravel admin template Includes PHP Pages & 50+ Plugins. It has a clean creative laravel frontend dashboard php design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool

Volgh – Laravel Admin Template

Volgh – Bootstrap Admin panel Dashboard Laravel Framework MIX Template. This php and laravel admin template Includes 40+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative dashboard design layout and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool color, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are 5 different Dashboards like Sales Dashboard, Marketing Dashboard, Service Dashboard, Finance Dashboard