Website Templates

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Tag: corporate

Acamar — Tiled Layout and Clean Design Responsive HTML Template

Acamar — Corporate and Business HTML Template With tiled layout and overall clean design, Acamar provides the perfect base for your corporate website. Сustom block styles and a many of handy features offer you the flexibility you need to present content. Template development done right, based on a well-engineered UIkit — a lightweight and modular

Steps – Modern Corporate HTML Template

Steps – Modern Corporate Html Template Steps is a responsive, fully featured Multipurpose Template. This theme can be used for any type of website, corporate, business, portfolios, blogs or marketing campaigns. Clean code and convenient theme options panel lets you customize it easily. Template Feature: 54+pages 100+ Element Bulit in Material Design Bootstrap Framework –

Xtrem – One Page Multipurpose Template

Xtrem is Responsive One Page Business Template which is developed for corporate/business, agency and other general business. Xtrem is a professional onepage website HTML template coded with Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3. It is modern and super flexible, 100% responsive, 100% pixel perfect colorful design, creative slider . Xtrem is easy-to-customize and fully featured Site Template.

Xtrem – One Page Multipurpose Template

Xtrem is Responsive One Page Business Template which is developed for corporate/business, agency and other general business. Xtrem is a professional onepage website HTML template coded with Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3. It is modern and super flexible, 100% responsive, 100% pixel perfect colorful design, creative slider . Xtrem is easy-to-customize and fully featured Site Template.

Nedu One Page Multipurpose Template

Nedu is One Page mutipurpose, HTML5 and Responsive Template suitable for any business startups. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and phones. Just take the best Template of your choice, change the text, add your images and done! . Main Features Fully Responsive Layout One Page Template OWL Carousel 2 Amazing Unique Design

Fina || Business & Finance HTML Template

Fina is elegant Business HTML5 Template.It is a Highly customizable code, Simple, Clean and Professional Template.You can use it for creating Business, Finance, Corporate, Consulting websites or promoting your services.With all it’s features you can build something great. Main Features Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Build on Bootstrap 3 Advance Framework Responsive Design Clean & Optimized

SEORank – Responsive HTML5 SEO and Marketing Template

SEORank is a complete responsive template for seo agency and marketing website . Built with HTML5 , CSS3 and bootstrap. This template has 8 pages. eye catching homepage, contact page , about , blog page and others. This template is perfect for any browser and specially for seo marketing company and similar to this kind

Academic Education Based HTML5 Responsive Template

Academic Education Based HTML5 Responsive Template Academic HTML Learn press is Education Based HTML5 Template for education purpose website or portal. It is suitable for Education Course related projects and it includes web elements which helps you to build your own site. This education template has everything you need to start your next upcoming education

Squares – Multipurpose HTML5 Template

Squares is a pixel perfect creative multi-purpose HTML5 Template designed with great attention to details. It is professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout. Squares is syitable for agency, freelance, blog, magazine, portfolio, photography and corporate. All files are super organized, and highly documented. Main Features Modern and elegant Design Built With HTML5