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Tag: casino

Gambling- Casino & Gambling HTML Template

It can be used to promote your SPA services, It has many features which will help you make your project stand out from the crowd. It has been optimized to facilitate your time and money. It’s well documented which will help you to get your site running easy and fast. You can customize it very

Butlar – Sports Betting HTML Template

Butlar is a clean and Responsive Sports Betting HTML Template Included 15 pages HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the most

Cosnio – Casino HTML Template

Cosnio – Online Casino HTML Template Included 10 HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the most compelling way. You can customize

Jackpot – Casino & Gambling HTML Template

ROULETTE Landing Page HTML Template is a uniquely HTML template develop in HTML with a modern look. HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so its very easy to customize and update. Total 05 Pages have been included. Template Features: Use Bootstrap Latest version W3C Validated HTML and CSS Pixel Perfect Use Mobile Navigation

Betpivot – Sports Landing Template

Betpivot is clean and modern sports Prediction service landing page HTML template which can be used for athlete, Sports, basketball, gambling, blackjack, casino, poker, sporting, golf, slots, roulette, prediction, bet service etc. It is designed with Unique concept, clean & modern Look. All codes are commented properly. You can customize it very easy to fit