Website Templates

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Tag: cafe

Cattle Restaurant | Restaurant HTML5 Template

Cattle Restaurant | Restaurant HTML5 Template Cattle Restaurant HTML5 website template is Modern, Clean and Professional site template. Prefect for RESTAURANT, Bakery,Cafe,Bar,Catering, food business and for personal chef portfolio website. Using advanced Bootstrap 3 Framework with HTML5/CSS3. Clean and clear code, Its fully responsive on all devices. Cattle gives you more space to work with

Webster – Responsive Multi-purpose HTML5 Template

Webster is an exclusive multi-purpose 100% responsive template with powerful features. Simple and well-structured coding, high quality and flexible layout, scalable features along with color schemes to create tailor-cut websites. With bootstrap, responsive mega menu and various layouts including incredible blog themes, Webster offers you unfathomable accessibility to build beautiful and customer-oriented websites. Unique designs,

Green Leaf Tea Shop HTML Template

Teashop – Green Leaf Tea Shop is a modern and functional html Template best suitable for your Tea Company & Online Tea Shop. Green Leaf Tea Shop has an intuitive visual interface and informative layout that looks wonderful on any platform, since it’s fully responsive. It comes with one unique layout which includes blog page,

Expresso – Cafe HTML Template

Expresso is a Professional Cafe Template. It is built on Bootstrap framework and is fully responsive that means it will look good on the smaller devices as well. Expresso comes with contact information with Google Map. It has a working contact form with PHP that allows customers/users to reach out to you via email using

La Boom – Food & Restaurant Bistro HTML Template

A. Introduction La Boom is a mega food & beverages HTML Template for bakery, food, beverage, cuisine, organic, sushi, coffee, pizza, tea, wine or restaurant & other food relevant businesses. It can be used for introducing about your restaurant, team, service, order system, contact info or show gallery, write blog about cooking, etc You can

Spicy – Restaurant HTML Template

Spicy is a modern clean HTML template for Cafe & Restaurant and any food-related business website. It comes with a modern and smooth design. More features with 7 pages that fulfill almost all your needs. Using advanced Bootstrap 4 Framework with HTML5/CSS3. Clean and clear code, It’s responsive and will fit great on all devices.