Probid is an React Next JS Template for Multivendor Auction and Bidding purpose. It represents the modern age auction bidding system with multivendor facilities. This template can be used in versatile ways like- Car, Antique, Art, Gadget & Technology, Book & Comic and as well as Multipurpose auction bidding. It has six different demos with
Tag: bid
Probid – Multi Vendor Auctions HTML Template
Probid is an HTML Template for Multivendor Auction and Bidding purpose. It represents the modern age auction bidding system with multivendor facilities. This template can be used in versatile ways like- Car, Antique, Art, Gadget & Technology, Book & Comic and as well as Multipurpose auction bidding. It has six different demos with different styles
Magellano – NFT Marketplace HTML Template
Magellano is a clean and modern HTML 5 site template for NFTS marketplace, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites. Has been designed keeping in mind the Page Speed (very important for search engines ranking and user experience). Designed with mobile first approach, it looks nice, intuitive and user friendly on all devices. You can change primary colors
Etherino | NFT HTML Marketplace
Etherino | NFT HTML Marketplace Etherino is a NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template built on HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, jQuery. It’s an awesome HTML5 template which can be used for creating Digital NFT Marketplace. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the codes
Sbidu – Bid And Auction HTML Template
Auctions are a profitable business. Yet you have to pay a lot of attention to website development. And if you want to save your time and money you should check this sbidu HTML template. It has an eye-catchy design and advertises your auction in order to attract new clients. It is also well-structured and includes
Miver – LMS & Freelance Services Marketplace for Businesses HTML Template
Miver – LMS & Freelance Services Marketplace for Businesses HTML Template Miver is the most completed job board & freelance marketplace HTML template. It features jobs, tasks/projects listings, freelance bidding on projects like on,, or Features Clean & Modern Design. Designed based on Bootstrap 4.4.1 latest version . Clean, Unique &
Zobstar – Job Board HTML Template
Zobstar is the most complete Job Board HTML Template for Job Portal Website. This template is powerful and highly customizable. It also comes with tons of useful features and pages including a beautiful dashboard to manage employers and candidates. Zobstar Job Board Template is specially designed for Job Seeking and Recruitment Management Portal, Freelance Market
Biddo – Bid & Win Auction HTML Template
Biddo is a clean and Responsive Bid And Auction HTML Template Included 15 pages HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the
Jublia | Job Board HTML5 Template
Jublia is a high-quality HTML5 Template that was built for Job Listing. It comes with a 20+ Validated HTML5 Pages format that can help you customize how your Job website will look, and you can adjust its design based on your needs in addition to over 20+ Internal elements. All necessary pages and elements that