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Tag: admin themes

Shreyu – Admin & Dashboard Template

Shreyu is a fully featured premium admin and dashboard template, built using Bootstrap 4.3.1. It comes with tons of carefully designed flexible components, UI elements, application pages, etc. The theme is fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices. The well structured code allows easy customization and helps to build a modern web application

Ignity Admin – Bootstrap 4 Vue Vuex Dashboard Template

A powerful Admin UI Kit + bonus JS server powered by Vue How about turbine or accelerate your new product or upgrade your legacy? This template and development kit will give you access in a few moments, a fully functional, modularized panel, where you can start your development from scratch or reuse part of your

Protable – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Protable Admin Dashboard It is fully responsive, built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3, and SCSS. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. General Features Build on the latest version of Bootstrap (v4.3.1) Well documented Advanced components Sass files Easy to use Google fonts Maps 70+

Protable – Responsive Admin Dashboard HTML5 Template

General Features Build on the latest version of Bootstrap (v4.3.1) Well documented Advanced components Sass files Easy to use Google fonts Maps 70+ pages 2000+ font icons Simple coded Fully responsive design Clean and intuitive design Theme switcher Theme Customization Options Dark Semi Dark Shadow layout Sticky navigation Small navigation Hidden navigation Sticky header Light

Mintone Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + UI Kit

About Mintone Pro? Mintone Pro is the most flexible & performance centric Bootstrap 4 Admin Template around the other admin dashboard templates. It comes with high end pages and components with highly responsive design. Performance Centric Code Code Performance is our key point while developing Mintone Pro Admin Template and we’ve really nailed it with

Nextable – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Nextable Admin Dashboard Nextable is an admin dashboard that is suitably created with mobile phones. It has a wide range of collections that has reusable ui components. You are free to see any templates with different demo options. It was developed with latest jquery plugins. Components are easy to use, morover you can quickly and

Borderless – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Borderless Admin It is fully responsive, built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3, and SCSS. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, Backend application or CRM. General