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Tag: admin themes

Kripton – Crypto Admin Angular Dashboard Template

Kripton Features Clean, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Unique Design(works on all major browsers) Developer Friendly Code Angular 11 Ready Full SASS Support Buttons Charts Nestable Lightgallery Shop pages Calender Bootstrap Accordion Alert Badges Buttons Datepickers Modalbox Cards Carousel Dropdowns Popover Progressbar Tabs Ratings Tables Paginations Timepickers Toast Tooltips Material Elements Autocomplete Badges Toggle buttons Dialogue

Acara – Ticketing Angular Admin Dashboard – No jQuery

Acara Features Clean, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Unique Design(works on all major browsers) Developer Friendly Code Angular 11 Ready Full SASS Support Buttons Charts Nestable Lightgallery Shop pages Calender Bootstrap Accordion Alert Badges Buttons Datepickers Modalbox Cards Carousel Dropdowns Popover Progressbar Tabs Ratings Tables Paginations Timepickers Toast Tooltips Material Elements Autocomplete Badges Toggle buttons Dialogue

Acara – Ticketing Angular Admin Dashboard

Acara Features Clean, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Unique Design(works on all major browsers) Developer Friendly Code Angular 11 Ready Full SASS Support Buttons Charts Nestable Lightgallery Shop pages Calender Bootstrap Accordion Alert Badges Buttons Datepickers Modalbox Cards Carousel Dropdowns Popover Progressbar Tabs Ratings Tables Paginations Timepickers Toast Tooltips Material Elements Autocomplete Badges Toggle buttons Dialogue

Muze – Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Dashboard Template

A powerful admin and dashboard template carefully built for designers and developers Muze is a fully responsive and modern Bootstrap 5 Dashboard / Admin Template. Whether you’re creating dashboard, admin panel, or SASS based interface — Muze is packed with rich components and templates to help you create your next project. Tons of Features 3

FixedPlus – Multipurpose React Admin Templates

Fixed plus React Admin – A developer-friendly & highly scalable admin dashboard template built with React & top-notch technologies stack. It offers a clean codebase and detailed documentation that allow you to develop your web application faster and cost-effectively. Emilus can be used to build any modern web application including a SaaS, admin panels, CRM,

Mystic | Admin Dashboard React Template

Mystic is a bootstrap 4 high-quality React Dashboard template that is built with everyone in mind. Package Include 45+ pages that can help you customize how your admin dashboard will look, and you can adjust its design based on your needs. It has a clean, unique, and out of the box design that will make

Eclan – Ads Campaign Admin Dashboard Template

You will get HTML Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. Change Log 31 October 2020 * New

Qubes – Bootstrap Admin Template

Qubes is a popular Premium WebApp template for admin dashboards and admin panels. It’s responsive HTML template, which is based on the Bootstrap 4X framework. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard indexial is one of our top most developer centric dashboard template. It has almost every thing which required for any simple or complex backend project. Built using latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process. The multi-layout setup allows using multiple template layouts without making any major changes to

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard indexial is one of our top most developer centric dashboard template. It has almost every thing which required for any simple or complex backend project. Built using latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process. The multi-layout setup allows using multiple template layouts without making any major changes to