Website Templates

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Tag: admin template

Niche Admin – Powerful Bootstrap 4 Dashboard and Admin Template

Niche Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. Niche Admin is a fully responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can

Dondoca – Admin Bootstrap4 VueJS

Dondoca Admin is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern responsive bootstrap 4 template with unlimited possibilities. Its very easy to customize and developer friendly   Features: Fully Responsive – Thanks to bootstrap Structure based on VueJS: Home  Pages: Home Ecommerce Analytics Social ChartFlot ChartMorris ChartPeity ChartSparkline ChartKnob ChartChartJs ChartEcharts MapsVector MapsGmap FormComponent FormValidation FormUpload TableBasic TableDatabase

Dondocas – Admin Responsive Bootstrap 4

Dondoca Admin is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern responsive bootstrap 4 template with unlimited possibilities. Its very easy to customize and developer friendly   Features: Fully Responsive – Thanks to bootstrap Structure based on VueJS: Home  Pages: Home Ecommerce Analytics Social ChartFlot ChartMorris ChartPeity ChartSparkline ChartKnob ChartChartJs ChartEcharts MapsVector MapsGmap FormComponent FormValidation FormUpload TableBasic TableDatabase

BEE-System Angular 4 Admin Template

Bee-System is material design admin template. It is built using material design principles, responsive layout and Angular 4. Bee-System is admin template provides you clean modern design clean and high performance react version and various color different html admin and multipurpose version and some important components that you can use to create your own blend

Bracket Plus Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Bracket Plus, a premium dashboard and app template using some part of a material design with flat design and a little bit of gradient design. It is fully responsive built with Bootstrap 4 using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins. It includes a huge collection of reusable UI components using a very reusable style

Adminca – Responsive Bootstrap 4 & 3, Angular 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Core Features Bootstrap v4 & v3 Angular 4+ High Quality, Clean, Flat Design Fully Responsive (works on all major browsers, tablets and phones) Very Easy and Fully Customizable Clean Structure Code Modular Structure High Quality Support Detailed Documentation (in English and Russian) Full SASS Support (Structured and Easy Code) Pug(Jade 2) Template Engine Gulp build

Atomic Angular 4+ Material Design Admin Framework

Atomic is a creative material design admin framework built with Angular 4+ and the Angular-CLI. It combines proven design language with a comprehensive web framework, built on Angular & Angular-Material (Design). Atomic gives you a quickstart to build a modern web application UI and ensure consistency across your enterprise products. Features Clean, Intuitive and Fully

Luxury – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Luxury is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It provides you with a vast collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities many custom pages and a collection of applications and widgets Features 8 built-in Color Skins And You Can Add Your Own Light/Dark Sidebar Themes Up coming free Landing Pages For Your Website