Sobtech – IT Solutions and Services Company React Template designed to cater to a wide range of industries, including agencies, businesses, consulting firms, creative ventures, cybersecurity providers, data management specialists,
digital. agencies, IT services, IT solutions providers, SaaS companies, software developers, startups, and technology service providers. It’s packed with leasing color combination, spacious layout, and minimalist concept, this.
design creates a captivating look that can mesmerize everyone’s eyes. Other than that, this template is also organized nicely which can increase your credibility. Increase your audience’s trust from the first glance. with this
fascinating template! You can edit the text, image, and color on the template according to your preference or match your brand image using the React.It includes everything you need for the website development such as Aaland
Template files are well organized also you can customize very easy . we have include 12+ file for you.
Template Features:
- 5 Home Page
- 50+ Components
- Creative, clean, unique and mordern style
- 100% Layered HTML Files
- Well Organized Files
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Easy customizable HTML files
- 12+Inner pages design
- Awesome and Creative Design.
- This React Template is perfect for convert into WordPress, Joomla and other systems… to make website
- Strange and unique interface, streamlined and impress.
- 24/7 great support
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
- Full width: 1920px
- Tailwind 1440 Px
- Free google font and icon used
- Fully Vector & Customizable
- HD Images Used
- And much more&
Files included:
- 17+ Pages
- 01_Digital Marketing
- 02_Mobile App
- 03_IT Solutions
- 04_IT Solutions 2(New)
- 05_IT Solutions 3 (New)
- 06_About Us Page
- 07_Services Page
- 08_Services Details Page
- 09_Project Page
- 10_Project Details Page
- 11_Blog Standard Post Page
- 12_Blog List Post Page
- 13_Pricing Page
- 14_Contact Page
- 15_Sign in
- 16_Sign up
- 17_404 Error pages
- 1 Documentation File ( HTML)
Source & Credits
- Freepik
- Unsplash
- Shutterstock
- Flaticon
- Urbanist
Images :
Icon :
Fonts :
If you still need any help, please feel free to open a Support Ticket
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