About Serfix
Serfix is a Fully Creative Mobile Responsive HTML Template. It is designed specifically for car service, automotive repair, auto mechanic, stores with spare parts and accessories for car repairs, car washes, service stations, car showrooms painting. Serfix layout looks beautiful at any resolution like laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets.
Serfix HTML Template is perfect solution for the create of unique car service responsive websites. You can customize your code easily.
Serfix Features
- Latest Bootstrap 4 + CSS3 + HTML5 Based
- 20+ Front-end HTML Pages
- Running AJAX Contact Form PHP files
- Google reCaptcha implemented
- MailChimp Subscription implemented
- Fully Responsive for all latest browsers and mobile devices
- FontAwesome 400+ icons
- Swiper Slider
- Well Documented
- 1 Home Page
- 5 Blog HTML Page
- 2 Service Detail HTML Page
- 1 About Us HTML Page
- 2 Contact Us HTML Page
- 1 FAQ HTML Page
- 1 Gallery HTML Page
- 1 Booking HTML Page
- 1 Pricing HTML Page
- 1 Login And Register HTML Page
- 1 Error 404 HTML Page
- Google Web font
What you will get ?
- HTML Files
- PHP File for Contact mail
- PHP File for MailChimp Subscription List
- jQuery and Javascript files
- CSS files
- Well Documentation
- “Roboto Condensed”, sans-serif
- “poppins”, sans-serif
Send your queries on themetrades@gmail.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product.
Change Log
03 June 2021
* Release Theme