Reactify is a powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk, webpack 4 and bootstrap 4. Its fully resposnive and support RTL languages with integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets and pages which makes it supper easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API methods which provides you the power to build your dynamic listing pages with ease. Direct usable widgets gives you the flexibility to show multiple details on your dashboard and other pages. Reatify is the template you will love to work on.
- Unique dashboard designs
- 300+ UI elements
- 20+ Custom page
- Text editors
- 1000+ Font icons
- Responsive and data tables
- Charts and graphs
- Interactive maps
Modules integrated
- Google-map-react
- Material-ui
- Redux
- React-redux
- React-router-dom
- React-scrollbar
- Reactstrap (Bootstrap 4 components)
- Recharts
- React-draft-wysiwyg
- React-dragula
- React-ace
- Axios
- Datamaps
- React-chartjs-2
- React-circular-progressbar
- React-leaflet
- React-ionicons
- React-skycons
- React-slick
- React-quill
- Rc-queue-anim
- Chart.js
- Draft-js
- React-tap-event-plugin
- React-trello
- React-table
- React-swipeable-views
- React-joyride