Hulk is a developer-friendly powerful Reactjs template developed with Material UI, React Hooks, Redux, Redux-thunk. It is fully responsive and supports RTL languages with an integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets, and pages which makes it super easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement.
Directly usable widgets give you the flexibility to show multiple details on your dashboard and other pages. If you are building a SAAS product please purchase an extended license. HULK has various dashboards with ready to use widgets
We have full dedicated documentation for hulk. Please check it out Here
- Unique Dashboard designs
- Firebase and Auth0 Integration
- Advanced Tables
- Digital Signature (PDF)
- Tutorial Checklist(User Familier Feature)
- Interactive Design
Modules integrated
- Reactjs
- Material-UI
- Redux
- React Router Dom
- Redux Thunk
- Axios
- Ag Grid React
- auth0 Js
- Firebase
- Material Icons
- React Quill
- React Dragula
- Screenfull
- Moment Js
- Chart Js
- Echarts For React
- React Intl
- React Player
- React Signature Canvas
- React Big Calendar
- React Credit Cards
- React Custom Scrollbars
- React notifications
- React Content Loader