G.O.X is coming soon & under construction template. Theme built with bootstrap 4 and therefore you can use and edit
very easy. All codes include descriptions and you will find everythin you will need in documentation. Theme has got
8 different colors, 2 overlay types, 6 overlay animations and
9 different background so you will have tottaly 964 different variations.
- Leaflet Map – Free to use with mapbox api, even 50000 request.
- Working Contact Form – Built with PhpMailer(Without Refresh)
- Working Subscription Form – Built with Mailchimp
- 8 Different Colors
- 2 Different Overlays
- 6 Background Animations
- 9 Different Backgrounds
- Youtube, Vimeo and Local Video Backgrounds
- Backstretch & Kenburns Slide Backgrounds
- Waterpipe Backgrounds
- Well Documented
- Countdown(When the time end. You can add function or redirect page easily.)
- Lightbox
- Carousel Animations
- Icons from Smasgingmazaine and included.
- Images Not Included