What is Fika?
Fika is a premium, fully responsive, fresh & clean Cafe & Coffeehouse template. Built with Bootstrap v4, it looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets, and phones.
If you have been looking for modern and unique, easily customizable, efficiently coded and well-documented BootStrap 4 template ideal for Cafe or Coffeehouse, most likely, you have found it ; )
Why is it good for you?
Fika is just roasted fresh template with professionally crafted design. It was made with keeping in mind the user-friendly approach. This design will definitely make your business stand out among its web neighborhood, as it looks like the cafe you always dream to visit.
It has been coded in a straightforward manner so that any designer/developer may easily customize it. Built by a team of professionals who care about its product, Fika will constantly grow and improve.
All these make it a perfect starting point for your Cafe or Coffeehouse website.
What you will get?
- Full-fledged HTML5 template built with the latest Bootstrap – 100% Responsive. Your visitors will be able to experience brilliant optimized same design in different screen types;
- 3 Pre-designed Homepages;
- 16 Hand-crafted Secondary Pages;
- 2 beautiful, custom header variations (alongside with default Bootstrap’s ones);
- Full bunch of enhanced Bootstrap’s UI components and some amazing, flexible Fika’s custom components. Feel free to use any of the pre-packed pages or create an unlimited number of new ones with these beautiful components;
- Mobile Friendly + Touch-enabled Sliders;
- 5 packs of vector-based icons:
- Essential set icon pack (linear style);
- Essential set icon pack (fill style);
- Coffee Shop;
- Coffee Shop 2 (just to make sure you will find what you need ; ) );
- Social Icons.
- Google Fonts;
- Included first-class 3d party plugins:
- Fancybox – JavaScript lightbox library for presenting various types of media. Fika uses Extended Commercial license, so you do not need to purchase your own license;
- AOS – animate on scroll library;
- Slick Carousel – the last carousel you’ll ever need;
- Jarallax – smooth parallax scrolling effect for background images, videos and inline elements;
- Masonry – JavaScript grid layout library;
- imagesLoaded – Unloaded images can throw off Masonry layouts and cause item elements to overlap. imagesLoaded resolves this issue;
- SVGInjector – Fast, caching, dynamic inline SVG DOM injection library;
- Typed – library that types;
- Sticky – Pure JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance sticky sidebars;
- Map – interactive map powered by Google Maps.
- Well-structured and SEO-friendly code;
- Great organized and easy to customize Sass code;
- Detailed online docs and components with code preview;
- Lifetime support and updates.
What about updates and support?
Free Updates: With the purchase of this template you are entitled to lifetime free updates. We don’t create a template per day just to earn money, we really care about our product, so be sure, we will continue working on improving and extending Fika template. Stay with us, much more will come soon)
Support: Our team will be happy to help you with any issues or answer any questions. Email address for support inquiry: contact@waveless.co We normally reply within 24 hours.
Please note that all images used in the Demo site are NOT included within the download package.