Donacion – Fundraising & Charity React, Nextjs Template If you are working for a fundraising campaign or a charity project, you will come across the need to have an appealing website for it and raise funds. Donacion is the perfect React template available for you to get and develop that website with ease. Donacion is
Charity Website Templates
Leud – Charity & Donation HTML Template
Leud is a Clean Modern Responsive HTML template for Charity, Donations and Fundraising website. It is created with Bootstrap 5.x and Sass. The template is for social good such as non-profit, NGO, non-profit, donate, fundraising, organization, donations, foundation, church, campaign, charity hub, welfare, social, fund, etc. Also, this template has a working contact form, well
Kologi – Charity Environment HTML5 Template
kologi is a library for Environment Charity & Fundraising HTML Template with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. kologi Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. kologi provide you to build
Funden – Crowdfunding & Charity HTML5 Template
Funden is a clean, creative, unique HTML5 template that fits for all kinds of crowdfunding, charity, nonprofit, NGO, donations and all other businesses, non-profit charity website, and an NGO. It has a purpose-oriented design, responsive layout, and special features like different Home pages, blog layouts, galleries, services, and pricing tables. This template easily customizable, fully
Sadakat – Charity Nonprofit React Template
Sadakat – Charity Nonprofit React Template Sadakat is a Fully Responsive React Template built on Reactstrap 4, Pure React js, Without jQuery. It’s a modern crafted React template which can be used for Charity Nonprofit React Template. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder
Ayuda | Multipurpose Charity HTML Template
Ayuda | Charity Fundraising & Eco Environment HTML Template If you are Looking for a fundraising or a charity website Or Eco Environment Website, you will come across the need to have an appealing website for it and raise funds. Ayuda is the perfect HTML template available for you to get and develop that website
Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template
Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template Khairah is a Fully Responsive React Template built on Reactstrap 4, Pure React js, Without jQuery. It’s a modern crafted React template which can be used for Charity Nonprofit React Template. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder
Donacion – Fundraising & Charity HTML5 Template
Donacion – Fundraising & Charity HTML Template If you are working for a fundraising campaign or a charity project, you will come across the need to have an appealing website for it and raise funds. Donacion is the perfect HTML template available for you to get and develop that website with ease. Donacion is one
Charitian – NonProfit Charity HTML Template
Charitian NonProfit Charity HTML template gives you an opportunity to build all fundraising, charity and non-profit businesses websites. Save your expensive time and money. Everything you need to create your fundraising, charity and non-profit businesses website is available straight from the box. Charitian layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad,
Sympatho – Non Profit & Charity HTML5 Template
Sympatho is a library for Charity & Crowdfunding with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. These template is suitable for charity, NGO, non-profit organization, donation, church or a fundraising website. Sympatho template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to