Byond is a revolutionary theme made it by experts, concepted using 2018 Web design trends, totally customized and adapted to help your business grow. Using HTML5 and CSS3 we have achieved a fast, light and modern website template for business, web developers, and designers.
Byond List:
40+ HTML usable modules
CSS/ JS files
Super easy customization to suit the module to your business
Native CSS shortcuts from the HTML files
Customizable animations
6 set demos
2 usable headers
5 Hero’s layouts
7 engage CTA layouts
12 Smart Image/text layouts
2 testimonials layout
2 Results layout
Team Layout
Prices table
3 loaders styles
Smooth Slider
Effective Form
Google Maps API Integration
Great Documentation
Included Raleway Family Font
Responsive layout (Desktops, Tablets, and mobile devices)
Modern UI with Clean Style
2018 Trend Design
Implemented in Modular Scss/Less Files (compiled CSS included)
Developer Friendly Code
SEO optimized
Customized Animations
Super performance
Smooth Animations
We Are Listen To You
We are open to any suggestions regarding Remark Admin Template. If you have any idea, request features just let us know. We will add it. Thanks.
The sample images viewed in the live preview are for demo purposes only and are not included with your purchase.