Annakoot: Multipurpose React Admin Template (light/dark mode, LTR/RTL direction)
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The Annakoot Admin Template is a powerful and responsive admin dashboard built using React JS, HTML5, CSS3, and Ant design. It is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring various business processes with efficiency and ease. The template is fully customizable, scalable, and optimized for performance.
Key Features:
- Light/Dark Layout options
- Code Standard that makes easy developer experience
- Mobile-first responsive design
- Modern User Interface with easy user experience
- Well Commented code style
- Modern UI/UX Design
- Dashboard Overview
- Responsive Layout
- Easy Documentation Guide
Layouts Types:
- Multiple Color Layout Options
- LTR, RTL (i.e.right to left).
Theming Options:
- Default Layout (i.e. Dark with LTR)
- LTR, RTL (i.e.right to left).
- 10+ Primary Color Options
- Sidebar Menu Caption Show/Hide
Annakoot All Pages:
- Login Page
- Register Page
- Verify Email Page
- Forgot Password Page
- Reset Password Page
- Forgot Email Page
- OTP Verification Page
- Error Page
- Coming Soon Page
- Not Found Page
- Under Maintenance Page
- Timeline Page
- Notification Page
- Contacts Page
- Faq Page
- My Profile Page
- Account Page
- Security Page
- Billing & Plans Page
- etc..
Annakoot Core Features:
- All Required Files Included
- Based on Ant Design 5.x
- Fully Responsive
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- W3c validated
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Tested on real devices
- Clean Typography
- Social Links
- Easy to customize
- HTML5, CSS3, JS, React
- Clean & Simple Design
- Modern and Clean Design
- Remix Icon, Flaticon Icon,
- SEO Optimized
- Google Fonts
- Dedicated support
- Well documented
- And Much More…
CSS and JavaScripts Libraries
- Ant Design
- Swiper Slider
- Font Awesome Icon
- Chart JS
- Sweet Alert
- React Vector Maps
- Iconsax React
- Jodit Editor
- React Copy to Clipboard
- React OTP Input
- Etc….
Credits and Sources
We used Ant Design 5.x for making this template.
Fonts Used:
Image Credits
What do you get?
- Well documented
- 24/7 Support
NOTE: Images are not included in the download file!
Support Facility:
Please send us your product parcel query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other
queries to our dedicated support:
Tags: Annakoot – react admin template, light dark admin panel, ltr and rtl admin panel, react admin panel, ant design template, ant admin design, multipurpose admin template, responsive design, responsive admin panel, creative admin template, reusable ui components, browser compatible, responsive admin dashboard, user experience, components design, interactive charts, cross-platform compatibility, multi business admin template.
High Resolution: Yes
Compatible Browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera.
Compatible With Ant Design 5.x
Layout Responsive