Apex Angular 4+ Bootstrap Admin Template Apex admin is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern & responsive admin template based on Angular 4+ and bootstrap 4 beta with unlimited possibilities. The Angular CLI makes it easy to maintain this application that already works, right out of the box. It includes 7 solid & 7 gradient menu
Admin Templates
Prudence – Bootstrap Admin Template
Prudence is a bootstrap 4 based admin template with flat design. Light concept is one of highlighted value from this template. With 3 dashboard options, Prudence suitable for administrating data, membership panel, sales monitoring, etc. Also many bootstrap 4 awesome feature, customized nicely on this template. Features: Based on bootstrap 4 Optional dashboard (3 options)
Canvas Admin Template – PowerFul Admin Dashboard Web App Kit
Canvas Admin – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Original images not included
Sarah Admin – Bootstrap Dashboard Template
Sarah Admin – Bootstrap Admin Template is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design concept. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5 and CSS3,query. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of web applications
Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS
Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern responsive bootstrap 4 template with unlimited possibilities. The admin theme fully editable and personalisable, with a simple and clean code. Possibility of being used in several devices. Features: Fully Responsive – Thanks to bootstrap Structure based
adminX – The Ultimate & Powerful Material Design Dashboard
adminX Admin is Material Design premium admin dashboard theme. It’s builded on popular Twitter Bootstrap 3x framework. adminX is fully based on HTML5 + CSS3 Standards. Is fully responsive and clean on every device and every browser. adminX contains many example pages with many ready to use elements and is strongly customizable. You can choose
Zoom – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + Angular 4
Zoom Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Zoom Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. Benefits of using Zoom Bootstrap
Zoom – Bootstrap Admin Template
Zoom Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Zoom Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. Benefits of using Zoom Bootstrap