Admax is a bootstrap admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Framework and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also. It is also easy to use and modify that is suitable to your needs and can be implemented to your desire projects such Project Management System,
Admin Templates
Blexa – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Blexa is a completely responsive bootstrap 4 administrator format constructed utilizing html5, css3. It can be utilized to fabricate any web applications including custom administrator board, venture administration framework, crm, cms, and so on. The assortment of design alternatives and awesome accumulation of reusable gadgets, segments, components and so forth enables you to assemble a
Lucid – HR and Project Management Admin Template
Lucid HR Management Bootstrap 4x Admin dashboard template. It is really appropriate template for Doctors, Dentists, Hospitals, Health clinics, Surgeons and medical organization. It is purpose oriented design, responsive layout with special features such as wonderful appointment forms, Doctor profile, Schedule appointments, patients profile, patients invoice, services, doctors, Income Report, Sales Report, Payments and many
Laravel Admin Template – Cubic
Cubic has more than 100 pages with useful 4 dashboards, 3 demos, 3000+ icons, 500+ UI components, lots of widgets, and 6 color skins. This is ultimate theme for all your need and beautifully crafted to fit from small dashboard to full fledge dashboard. Alongwith to make the job easy this has prebuilt kits with
Flexile – React Redux Admin Template based on Ant Framework
Flexile is a powerful react admin template based on Ant Design concept and framework. It includes modern design and various layouts along with hundreds of widgets, metrics etc. Along with the implementation of Redux and Redux-Saga, Flexile also has various detailed apps developed and integration with firebase. With Flexile, you can boost your web app
Flexile – React Redux Admin Template
Flexile is a powerful react admin template based on Ant Design concept and framework. It includes modern design and various layouts along with hundreds of widgets, metrics etc. Along with the implementation of Redux and Redux-Saga, Flexile also has various detailed apps developed and integration with firebase. With Flexile, you can boost your web app
Chameleon Admin – Modern Bootstrap 4 WebApp & Dashboard HTML Template + UI Kit
Chameleon Admin is a Modern Bootstrap 4 WebApp & admin dashboard html template with a large number of components, elegant design, clean and organised code. It includes 3 pre-built templates with organised folder structure, clean & commented code, 500+ pages, 100+ components, 50+ advance cards (widgets) and many more. Chameleon admin provides RTL support, unique
Boss Ultimate – React Redux Material Admin Template
Boss Ultimate is admin dashboard template based on React and Redux. It provides you clean modern design and high performance react app with various color theme. This template has been built to makes the development process easy and fast for you, which is supported by material-ui v1.x, jss (css in js), immutable js, webpack, ssr
Kinetic – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
Kinetic Admin Template is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Kinetic is a fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used
Chroma Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
Chroma Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Chroma Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. Benefits of using Chroma Bootstrap