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Admin Templates

Weedoboard | Cannabis Dashboard Html5 Template

Costic is a Cannabis & Marijuana Admin Dashboard template that is built to help legal medical cannabis growers, processors, dispensaries, medical clinics, medical cannabis stores, coffee shops, pharmacies, cannabis concentrate shops, Cannabis dispensaries, and laboratory websites have a bird’s eye view on their products and storage. Package Include 60+ html5 pages that can help you

Faigo – Angular 10 Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Faigo is an Angular 10 admin template that uses Bootstrap 4. it also has lots of unique and beautifully designed page designs. Faigo provide you Language translation, light/dark color schemes and lots of other reusable UI elements and widgets. We used Bootstrap 4 framework which provide a number of UI components. This template comes with

Nazox – Angular 10 Admin & Dashboard Template

Nazox is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in Angular 10 with fack-backend, firebase authentication and multilingual supported with developer-friendly codes. We have not used jQuery in this template its pure Angular 10 admin template with reusable components. strong>Starterkit are also available. Nazox is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean

Fedash – Bootstrap Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template

Fedash is a multipurpose admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap and JQuery. It allows you to create your applications quickly with its easy to use and UI components. There are components for every purpose. It works perfectly with all your projects. The design has also been developed to be sensitive to many devices. So you

AdminPro React Dashboard Template

AdminPro React comes with 4 Unique demo variations (like Sidebar, MiniSidebar, Horizontal Navigation, Dark Version etc) and RTL (Right to Left). It also includes 3 dashboard variations, Chat Application Design, Email App Design, Calendar App Design, 160+ Page Templates, 65+ UI Components, 2000+ Font Icons, Lots of Chart, Form and Table Options and much more.

SmartHR – React Admin Template

Looking to automate HR management template in react? Smart HR is for you. This is a project management and HR automation template that can be used for the HRMS system. This template is built and integrated with Bootstrap 4x with react. All businesses connected with HR can be monitored and managed in a single dashboard

Elaenia – Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard React App

Elaenia is the complete Cryptocurrency Exchange React App Sign in, Signup, Phone and ID card verification, One-time password verify and add a bank, debit card settings and profile etc pages included. Icons Font Awesome simple-line-icons Cryptocoins Images images are occur in the preview but are NOT in the download. Changelog 1. v1.0 ———————————————————————————- – Initial

Emilus – React Admin Template

Emilus – A developer-friendly & highly scalable admin dashboard template built with React & top-notch technologies stack. It offers a clean codebase and detailed documentation that allow you to develop your web application faster and cost-effectively. Emilus can be used to build any modern web application including a SaaS, admin panels, CRM, CMS, e-commerce panel,

Medjestic – Medical Dashboard Admin Template

Medjestic, a bootstrap 4 Medical Dashboard template that is built with everyone in mind. Package Include 45+ html5 pages that can help you customize how your Medical Dashboard will look, and you can adjust its design based on your needs. It has a clean, unique, and out of the box design that will make you