Website Templates

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Admin Templates

Tinno – HTML5 Chat App Template

GENERAL FEATURES Built with Bootstrap and JQuery (Bootstrap 4.5.x) Developed with Javascript ES6 Light mode dark mode Bidirectional design (RTL Ready) Fully developed with SCSS Easy customization Useful plugins 4+ icons sets Google fonts Fully responsive design Clean and intuitive design Well commented & quality code W3C validated MODULES AND COMPONENTS Chat list Friends list

Chatx Bot Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Chat Bot Admin Dashboard – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Dashboard Web Application. The Admin HTML template can be used for online applications and softwares. Clean, Modern, New, Creative look for your application. This comes with SasS. A combination of Revenue, Orders, Visitors. It is a unique dashboard with features visits, monthly revenue and performance

Minible – CodeIgniter Admin & Dashboard Template

Minible – Codeigniter is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap 4.5.2 and Codeigniter. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes ( Dark, Light & RTL ). You can simply change to any layouts or modes by changing a couple of lines code. You can start small and large projects or update

Devmix – React Admin & Dashboard Template

“Devmix – React Admin & Dashboard Template” is a modern admin template and UI framework with full React Redux Saga and Hooks with fack-backend authentication. Devmix is fully responsive Admin Dashboard built for everyone who want webapps and bulit them with Top Framework like React. No jQuery in this template its pure ReactJs with CRA

NobleUI – Angular 10+ Admin Template

NobleUI – Angular Admin Template is a powerful & lightweight dashboard template based on Angular 10+ and Bootstrap 4x Framework. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components. NobleUI uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. All styles are fully develop with SASS and easy to understand. NobleUI is a fully

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard indexial is one of our top most developer centric dashboard template. It has almost every thing which required for any simple or complex backend project. Built using latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process. The multi-layout setup allows using multiple template layouts without making any major changes to

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Indexial Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard indexial is one of our top most developer centric dashboard template. It has almost every thing which required for any simple or complex backend project. Built using latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process. The multi-layout setup allows using multiple template layouts without making any major changes to

StackDash – HTML, Laravel & Rails Dashboard Template

StackDash is a multi-framework Admin Dashboard with Bootstrap 4 at it’s core you can work with it as: HTML Version Laravel version with Blade views and Laravel asset pipeline Light Rails version with .erb partials and Rails asset pipeline Sketch design file – 3 pages / various layouts You can leverage the power of Stack

Amaze – Multipurpose Admin Template ui kit

AMAZE is a fully professional, responsive, modern, multi-purpose, and featured Admin template which can be used to create various websites, Admin templates, Admin dashboards, Backend Websites, CMS, CRM or one can also build Blog, Business website and timeline as well as portfolio. AMAZE Admin makes the development process easy and fast for you and aims

Minible – Admin & Dashboard Template

Minible is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap 4.5.2 and gulp. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes ( Dark, Light & RTL ) which are managed by SCSS only. You can simply change to any layouts or mode by changing a couple of lines code. You can start small and